Saturday, January 16, 2010

Who Do I Serve?

Some of you may have noticed that I'm getting more vocal in my blogs or other posts, regarding the planned military buildup for Guam.  I'm a Patriot, who served my time with the U.S. Military from 1987 to 1995.  I'm a disabled combat veteran to top it off.  I am an American.  I love the USA.  But recent and upcoming events have made me rethink, who do I serve.

A lot of buildup supporters call the protesters whiners.  I don't think that's the case.  These protesters are standing up for their Rights.   I do believe that protesting is a First Amendment Right.  A lot of the buildup supporters are looking at dollar signs, the almighty plunging dollar.  To the residents and landowners, who are against the buildup, it's about our quality of life, our culture, our island, and our children's future.  Everyone who spoke up against the military buildup at the public hearings stated that they are not anti-military, anti-USA, or unpatriotic.  They are Patriotic Americans fighting for their lands and lifestyle.  To call them anything else amounts to socialism. 

A friend of mine, stated to me, that half the protesters are on food stamps or welfare.  But why does that matter.  Because they maybe on welfare, does that disqualify them from exercising their God-given Rights?  I don't think it should.  Does that make them lesser Americans.  It really amazes me what I hear from the supporters of the buildup.

I'm really proud of a group of young adults who formed a community group called, We Are Guahan.  These young individuals got together to read the entire Draft Environment Impact Study.  After they did their research, they stood up at the public hearings and spoke out against the buildup using facts and busting myths held within the DEIS.  That's a job well done. 

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