Monday, January 11, 2010

Mommy...Daddy said...!!!!

Yesterday, Rhoda was using our friend and Mali, Sharon's laptop.  So she left me some offline messages on IM, while I was at evening service.  When I got home, I saw the messages and replied to them accordingly.  I said, my customary, "I Love You".  and thought that was the end of it. 

However, later on in the evening, I was greeted by Sharon, who came online,  then by my wife.  Rhoda told me that our daughter, had told her that, "Daddy said, "I love you" to her Nina Sharon.  Larraine had read my reply to Rhoda on Sharon's laptop.  I'm just laughing at the incident.  Larraine thinks that because I was replying to her mommy and she read it on Sharon's laptop, assumes that I'm talking to Sharon.  Rhoda talked to Larraine and calmed her fears. little girl, thought I was messing around on her mommy.  Larraine wanted to investigate Sharon's IM account to see if I said, Love you to her in the past.  I don't know where my girl gets her advance maturity.  She needs to stop watching TV and hanging around the adults. 

I am sure that this is one of many to come misadventures with Larraine.

Keep Smiling

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