Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cleaning the Ranch's North Area.

I continued to clear most of the North Area of the ranch.  I've been cutting down trees that will not feed me.  That is my standard.  The trees have to bear some type of edible fruit.  If not, It meets my chainsaw.  Then it's leaves and bark become forage for my goat herd. Who have been doing a great job clearing back the brush and cleaning up the trees that I cut for them. 

I was able to retrieve the tires from Krystal/Rey's house this past Sunday after morning service.  Since then I've planted another tower, this time, Hawaiian Sweet Potato.  I planted some Ginger today.  I really appreciate their help, along with Joshua and Bro. Tito. 

Hercules is a trip.  That young kid buckling can yell!  His dam would be 10 feet away browsing from him.  He sees her but calls out like he can't.  He wants his dam to come to him.  I don't have that problem with kid doelings. 

I'm able to get a nice Boer Buck on loan from another goat rancher here on island.  I'm looking forward to that.  I don't want to breed back the does to my herd sire, just yet.  I want some new blood to upgrade my line.  I'll get the loaner buck in March or April.  Once I know that date, I'll start to freshen up my does to get them ready.  We still have to work out the details prior to the loaner buck getting here to my ranch.  Normally, the buck will stay here a month, or until all the does are bred.  Which ever comes first. 

The other day, while I was during errands, I stopped by Benson Hardware Store.  I went looking around and saw this nice Poulan 20" Chainsaw.  What a beauty!  I would really like to add that to my inventory.  One day, I'll get it. 

During my siesta, I was checking out the news online.  I watched a news video on horses being abandoned all over the nation due to economic hardships.  So sad.  I would like to adopt a stallion and couple of mares, if someone takes care of the shipping costs.