Sunday, January 3, 2010

2009--A Challenging Year, But I Thank God for the Blessings.

For the last couple of days, I was trying to figure out how to do my "2009, Year in Review".  When I re-read most of my blogs from 2009.  I realized that majority of them was about challenges that I was going through that month.  I did not realize that I had a lot of challenges!  There were some positive situations. 

I am going to take those challenges from last year as a learning experience.  I do know that some of those issues and situations could have been avoided.  I don't want to use my PTSD as an excuse.  I know I can move beyond that.  But, it is a factor.  I am putting the skills, that were taught to me by the VA Center on how to deal with my stress, anger, and communications issues, to use.  It's just not easy sometimes. 

Some of the things I have learned from last year.  I know who are my family, friends, and relatives.  The saying, "You know who your friends are, when you're in trouble, and when you turn around,  those still standing there are your friends", rings true for me.  I now know the difference between family and relatives.  You would think that they are one and the same.  No, it is not.  There is a huge difference.  I also did a lot of reflection on Asian family values and Western family values. 

I have learning not to take myself to seriously at times.  That my venting is just that, venting.  Don't pent up the negatives, let it vent out.  But vent out in a proper venue at my counseling sessions or during my workout, turn that negative into a positive. 

On the Positive Side,

My Neni girl, Larraine, graduated from Kindergarten in March.  She looks absolutely stunning in her white gown, that her grandma made for her.

That same month, the family in Cagayan De Oro celebrated Rhoda's birthday by going out to dinner. 

I'm a member of the Reaching Out TV Ministry at Abundant Life Church In April.  It is the newest ministry in our church.  I'm one of many cameramen and woman.  I thought when I first joined that it would be easy.  No, it was not.  It's a lot harder than it looks.  But, it is fun.  I do know I've improved a lot since we started, not just from feedback from the team leaders and pastor.  But also from the recorded video's we bring home to self-critique.  The whole team has improved A LOT, not just me. 

I am thankful for Dindin, Rhoda's cousin, and Sharon, Rhoda's best friend, for coming into our lives last May and June.  Their friendship, help, and loyalty to Rhoda, has actually made things bearable for her to deal with.  I am really glad that they're now part of our family.  Both of them are Larraine's Nina's (godmothers).

We celebrated Larraine's Dedication in July.  Just thinking of what Rhoda and the family had to go through that day because Larraine and her cousin decided to do their own thing. 

One thing that I did was join CrossFit in July.  One of my youth leaders, Maressa, introduced me to CrossFit, after I saw her stats on facebook.  I tried it out.  The program kicked my butt, but I love it.  Weird, huh?!  I have since lost 30 pounds doing the WOD's (Work Out of the Day) at the CrossFit HQ site. 

Matua Ranch is blessed with the arrival of a litter of puppies from our ranch dog, Duchess.  Scout and Ranger are doing great. 

Larraine decided to join the Girl Scouts on her own in October.  She didn't even bother asking her mommy or me.  She just went and signed up, and told us after the fact.  Her reason; she wants to be a police woman when she grows up.  So she decided that she will start her training now, as part of the Girl Scouts of the Philippines.  She is currently a Star Scout. 

Rhoda placed 2nd in her nursing class last semester mid October.  That's great!  We were not even concerned about her class placement, just on finishing.  We're praying that she maintains that position or moves up to her class.  Whatever God will give us, we'll be happy.  But it would be really cool though if she did get 1st. 

I decided in November to be a full time Rancher.  I didn't make that decision lightly.  I consulted with close family and friends, my VA social worker, and Doctors.  Since I made the decision and commitment, things have started to move smoothly and blessings are sprouting. 

atua Ranch goat herd increased by 4 goat kids in November.  Along with 3 kid doelings, the last kid was a kid buckling.  The ranch also acquired to 2 rabbits.  With the new additions to the ranch, I hope to use them in our breeding program. 

I spent Thanksgiving with the Benavente Family in Barriagada.  I was invited by Pastor Joe and Lou to have lunch with them.  Food was great! 

Abundant Life Church's Annual Christmas Party was a great hit.  My dinner and raffle ticked was sponsored by Bro. John and Sis. Bobbie.  The food was great, ate a lot.  I won a Christmas gift - ceiling fan.  I'll install that into Larraine's room. 

Larraine having fun during her Class Room's Christmas Party.  Her mommy says, they had lots of fun. 

Rhoda and Larraine celebrated Christmas and New Year's Eve in Butuan City with the family there. 

I am so thankful for all those who have helped me and my family out last year.  I really do appreciate it.  One day, I will reciprocate.  Hopefully, it's this year. 

Keep Smiling and have a Blessed New Year!