Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Marianas Grazing and Livestock Management Academy: Day 1

I attended the Marianas Grazing and Livestock and Management Workshop today at the Agriculture and Life Science Building at the University of Guam.  For some reason, even though I took my time to get to the workshop, I was still early.  I registered, picked up my huge binder, and got my name tag. 

I met the presenters and other members of the MGLM Team.  I talked with Lawrence Duponche from the Northern Marianas College Cooperative Extension Service.  A very knowledgeable person.  I met Dr. Mark Thorne, UH Extension Specialist; Dr. Jonathan Deenik, UH Extension Specialist; Dr. Bob Godfrey, UV Animal Science; Glen Fukumoto, UH Extension Agent: and John Powley, UH Extension Agent. 

I met up with friends and acquaintances again.  I even met one of my English teachers from high school,   Mrs. V.  I was in her class way back in the day.  It was great catching up with her and her husband.

Today's topics touched on Soil and Soil Management, Plant Growth Basics and Forage Resources, and Principles of Grazing Management.  There was a lot of information decimated to the group of ranchers and other attendees.  They even let us try this new calculator looking device.  That allows us to answer multiple questions that are posted on the screen and shows the percentage of our answers.  Pretty Cool. 

I learned a lot during today's workshop.  I didn't realize that there were 3 types of grass.  Before today, anything I cut with the bushcutter is considered grass.  Now, after the workshop I was out on the pasture looking at what types of grass I have.  I have lots of forbs and shrubs, very little of the grass and grass likes. 

Even the soil class, well I knew a little about my soil.  But I learned more about the clay, sand, and how soil came about.  It was interesting...But without the coffee hit...I would have knocked out right there in front of the presenter.  I even had to pray silently for help to keep my eyes open.  I have to give credit to the presenter for making it sound interesting and fun.  I am going to have to take this course to finish up on my Agriculture Degree someday. 

I was more interested in the Principles of Grazing Management.  I didn't realize that there was so much to consider in regards to grazing.  I already knew about the "Take Half, Leave Half" concept.  I didn't realize about the Grazing Intensity/Frequency/Harvest Efficiency/Growth Seasons.  I thought you just pastured the livestock out on the paddock and let them eat what's out there.  Now, I know...

The best part of these workshops/seminars is networking with the other ranchers.  I learned from talking with Mrs. V, that she has a ranch in the Philippines.  She and her husband are raising goats and ducks.  Another rancher I met, is my cousin, whom I've never met before.  He lived right next door to my family's first house.  He remembers me being a small kid running around the yard.  I am invited to see his cattle ranch anytime. 

Let y'all know what happens tomorrow. 

Keep Smiling

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