Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ranch Log: Catching up on Ranch Chores and Projects.

It's been 3 days since I've done any ranch chores while I was a the Marianas Grazing and Livestock Academy Workshops at the university.  After I did my morning checks this morning and pastured out the goats to the South Side.  I looked over my chores and projects list.  There's a lot.  Work on the ranch never stops.  I finished off the chores in the morning and after lunch, worked on some emergency projects.

I fixed my wind damaged canopy to my ranch shack.  I didn't use bungees to stretch it out and resecure it to the poles.  I just used some 1/4 inch plastic yellow rope to secure it to the poles.  It looked good with the weaving going back and forth from the canopy to the poles.  I'll have to get more yellow rope to finish off the arched ends. 

I planted another Saba Banana tree on the South Side.  I had pulled this sucker from it's mother on Tuesday.  I meant to transplant it that same day but had other issues to deal with.  So I placed it under the ranch shack for the mean time.  Today, I planted it or else I may never get to it. 

I cut some brown coconuts open for the free range poultry and the two ranch pups.  It's amazing how fast the chickens, guineas, and duck come over when I start cutting open the coconuts with the axe.  I opened about 8 and placed them at strategic locations on the ranch.  So all of the poultry will get a chance to get their fill.  I gave the two pups their coconut halves.  Yes, my ranch pups eat coconuts.  I don't know where they learned to eat, but they like eating it.  So when ever I cut coconuts open, I make sure the pups get their share.  Or, they'll be chasing the poultry away to get their coconuts.  Strange dogs, I have. 

I scouted out the South Side, looking for a place to plant my improved Tangantangan trees from Australia.  I think their called, Lucena Tambara.  A new develped species for livestock forage.  The seeds I have are not going to be for forage.  It's for me to collect seeds to plant.  I'll have to protect these trees from the goats.  I'll plant it tomorrow. 

Keep Smiling