Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Midnight Rush to the Hospital.

Frenfren being himself. 
Waking up this morning to a text message from Rhoda, brought to past one of my greatest fears. 

Frenfren going to the hospital is no big fanfare.  He's been in and out a couple of times.  So getting the text was not that alarming.  Until I read that he had convulsions/seizures, turning blue, foaming at the mouth, and high fever.  Reading what my boy was going through, got to me.  I did not know what to do.  

I immediately tried calling Rhoda.  For some reason, I could not get through to her cellphone.  As much as I wanted to jump on the next plane to get there...I couldn't do it.  I was helpless over a thousand miles away.  I couldn't hold my baby boy to comfort him.  All I could do was pray.  That was it.  That was all I could do. 

I called and sent out prayer requests through different mediums.  We need the prayer warriors from different churches to help us out.  Not knowing and not being able to do anything at that moment was the worst feeling to have.  

After what seemed like hours, I finally got a hold of Rhoda.  She filled me in on what happened.  Frenfren got up at midnight and told his uncle that he was having chills.  Soon thereafter he went into a seizure and started foaming at the mouth.  He had a high fever.  Rhoda turned him to his size and administered first aid.  They immediately left the house with their sleeping clothes on, and went to the hospital.  At one point, Frenfren didn't recognize his mommy. 

During our conversation, I learned that our baby boy was asleep and was given oxygen, and an I.V.  He was not allowed to eat until after he has lab work taken.   I suspected again that he may have something wrong with his stomach.  His lab work last week found no parasites in his intestinal track.  

I called Rhoda a couple more times.  During lunch, I talked to my Boboi.  He was awake and talking.   He recognized his mommy.  That was a great relief to Rhoda and I.  When I called, he asked to talk with me.  He told me he's okay and wanted food to eat.  Rhoda had gone home earlier to change clothes and brought back his batman action figure and back hoe toys for Frenfren to play with.    

Larraine didn't go to school.  She accompanied her brother to the hospital and stayed by his side.  Good thing the ward was empty, so they acquired the beds there.  

My last call this afternoon with Rhoda.  Frenfren still has a high fever.  The nurse gave him some meds through the I.V.  His doctor ordered lab work.  So it's just wait and see now.
 I appreciate and thank you all, who are praying for Frenfren.  Please continue to pray for him.  He's still not out of the woods yet. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Right Hand Post Op Update

Didn't do much today.  Stayed home and relaxed my hand.  Woke up early this morning to excruciating pain.  It was around 0330 got up and took a percocet.  That helpedGot knocked out and then woke up late...really late. 

I don't know why it's sore.  I didn't do much yesterday, been wearing my brace, and not doing anything physical with my hand.  But for some reason, I need to rest my hand.  So I'm one hand typing again.  Writing this post is not easy.  Have to go back to correct a misspelling every now and then.  

The picture above shows the volcano type scars are healing good.  Doc calls the scar tissue volcano because it rises above the surface of the skin.  It is still swollen, but it'll go down in a couple of weeks.  I'm hoping for a couple of days.  

Unable to do ranch work, just pasturing the goat buck on his lead is a chore.  Using my non-dominant hand to control him on the lead.  It's okay going from the pen to the paddock.  But from the paddock to the pen, the toro is trying to run back.  Holding back is not an option, as my left hand is strong but not that strong yet to hold back a 180 lb. buck.  My dominant right hand is of no use for a couple of months.  I'll figure it out.  

Good thing is that I can feel my finger tips again.  It's funny feeling a cup of hot coffee.  Haven't felt that in years.  The heat didn't bother me before, but now it does.  I can feel my trigger finger.  No guessing now on my trigger pull.  It's really sensitive now.  

It's all good.  

Keep Smiling.    


Friday, February 22, 2013

Jury Duty: Selection

For a long time, I despised being on jury duty.  I avoided it almost everytime my name came up.  Not only here, but also when I was in North Carolina.  I always got out on an excuse.  

Today, being on the Petite Jury.  I had to go in this morning as per my instructions last night during my call in.  The waiting was the hardest.  We reported in at 0900 but due to some court technicality.  At 1000, We were given a three hour lunch.  I took the time to call Rhoda to let her know what was going on.  Lunch was at Shirley's Restaurant. I didn't use up the whole 3 hours.  I went back at 1200.  

The waiting area is small for our group size and warm.  I don't think that there should be that many people in that small room.  But that's up to the Fire Marshal to enforce.  The only good thing was the WiFi gave out a good signal.   

At one point, we were heading down to the courtroom.  Only to be turned around at the bottom and told to return back up to the waiting room.  The system has to be better than how they're doing it now.  So up we went and back to sitting and waiting.  

After a long while, we were told to head back down to the courtroom.  Once inside, we were shown to our seats.  Yes, we sat down again and waited.  But this time, it got interesting.  A turn for the better.  We were all sworn in, then the judge introduced herself, the prosecutors got up and introduced themselves, and then it was the Defendant's side that introduced themselves to us.  

The judge gave a short civics class on the constitutionality of the defendant's right to a fair trial.  That caught my interests as she explained the process.  For the first time I was interested in serving as a juror.  I didn't want to leave after that.  But after the judge read the complaint.  I knew I could not serve honestly.  There were a series of questions that the judge asked and on each question we had to determine within ourselves if we could serve as jurors based on the facts to be presented by both the defense team and prosecuting team and instructions from the judge herself.  

Later, when it came time to stand before the judge, the defense lawyer, and prosecutor.  I went up and gave them my reason.  I was excused from serving on this trial.  It's okay.  They'll be other trials. 

Sunday, February 17, 2013


Been trying to figure out how to move all my blogs and albums from my Multiply.com page to this site on Blogger.  Since November 2012, I've been tinkering around with it.  Just today, I figured it out.  

I was able to transfer over 635 posts...blogs and reviews.  However, I'm missing over a year's worth of blogs, miss all of 2008, part of 2009, about a month for 2007.  I'm going to try to save those and transfer them on another try.  

Now I'm going to work on the albums.  I have 2 pages of albums to transfer over.  Then I'll transfer the videos that I posted and recipes that I saved.  

This reminds me the Y360 Exodus.  Lost so many blogs on that move.  I really need to save my posts on another format, other than trusting the site owners.  

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Frenfren aka "Brave Boy".

Just got off the phone with Rhoda.  New update for Frenfren.  He is well.  They're waiting to get released from the hospital.  It should be soon.  Frenfren made a new friend while in the hospital.  A boy, also a patient, who was down the hall.  I don't know the name of the boy.  Only from what Rhoda tells me, the boy is amazed at our Boboi.  He calls him the "Brave Boy".  

They were amazed that my son wouldn't cry as much as the other children in the ward.  So they call him, "Brave Boy".  So now, I guess, I'll have to call him, Brave Boy and not Boboi.  But, he's still my Boboi.  

This morning, the young boy came over to play with Frenfren.  He asked if they can play and my boboi agreed.  I'm so glad that my children are adventurous and get a long with other children.  But make them mad and push them around.  You'll see the other side of them.  

Keep Smiling 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Frenz Update: He's getting better.

Bang...Bang...Pow...Pow!!!  Take that you dirty bug!!  Stay away from my drinking water!

Just talked to Rhoda, Our baby boy is doing okay.  He's still in the hospital undergoing treatment.  Hopefully, he'll be released tomorrow.  We found out that he got sick due to ingesting contaminated water while visiting the province earlier this week.  I'm going to find that traveler's cup for him and the rest of the family there.  It purifies any tap water or ground water source to potable drinking water.  I use to own one years ago.  

Anyway, I was able to talk to Frenfren.  He told me about the I.V. Dextrose attached to his hand.  He understands that the medication is in the dextrose and he has to take in all the fluids so he can get better. Fortunately, He's well enough to play with his Batman Action Figure.  He also wants to go home.  

I guess this morning, the nurses conducted a skin test on him.  So now he's afraid of nurses again and cries when they enter the room.  Good thing Rhoda was there and told him to hide under the blanket so they won't see him.  He'll be invisible to the nurses.  He was so terrified that he even told his mommy to talk quietly with me because it's embarrassing.  What?!  My 3 year old knows about embarrassing?!  Gonna have to ration his computer and TV time again.  

He's doing better.  Hopefully, he'll be out of the hospital before lunch.  Frenfren has a really good doctor.  I'm glad she takes the time to know our children. 

Thank you all for your prayers.   

Keep Smiling

Friday, February 8, 2013

Frenfren's Update

It's amazing how children are resilient.  Yesterday, I received a text from Rhoda informing me that our son, Frenz was sick and that she is monitoring him.  He had asked his mommy to ask if I may call and talk to him.  He wanted me to know that I don't have to worry.  He's going to be okay.  

Later that evening, Frenz's temperature had risen to 103.4 from 102 that afternoon.  Rhoda and I were discussing how he may have gotten sick.  I felt it was his stomach, possibly a stomach flu.  Rhoda was concerned about pneumonia and talked to Frenfren into agreeing that if cannot keep his food or medication down, he will have to go to the hospital.  Frenfren agreed. 

At the hospital, Frenfren was given treatment.  His temperature went down.  When I had called Rhoda this morning.  He had no fever.  I was able to talk to my boboi.  Again, he assured me that he's okay.  He did not want me to worry about him.  He is so much like his Ate Larraine.  

When Larraine broke her arm 2 years ago.  She too forced a smile so I did not have worry, even though she was in so much pain.  Unlike Larraine, I am glad that Frenfren did not try treating himself.  We all know how that ended up, not once, but twice.  

This afternoon when I called again.  Rhoda and Frenfren are still in the hospital.  Doctor ordered some stool samples and observation.  We're praying that he'll be okay to go home.  He was sleeping.  Rhoda sounded tired as well.  

Frenfren's Timeline:  
Larraine and Frenfren enjoying their time at Jollibee the night before. 

Frenz playing with his and Larraine's Nerf guns.  He's having fun. 

Frenz tired and resting that afternoon.  He was not himself.

At the hospital, Frenz being treated.  He still knows his priorities.  He throws up the SHAKA.  That's my boy!

Larraine laying hands and praying for her baby brother's healing. 

Please continue to pray for my son, Frenfren.  Hopefully, he'll be home tonight.  

God Bless You,

Keep Smiling.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Philippine Trip January 2013

I finally made it to the Philippines on January 19, 2013.  It was a long awaited trip.  I was originally supposed to be there in September 2012 to celebrate my children's birthdays.  But a new, my current, job kept me from flying over.  Then a flight in December to celebrate New Year's Eve didn't happen.  For some reason, I was bumped from the flight.  I was able to reschedule my flight for January 19th to the 26th.  I'm glad that I was able to spend time with my family for a week. 

Rhoda and I spent some quality time together.  We planned for another honeymoon.  I'm sure we'll be planning for many honeymoons in the future.  It was great being alone together and just enjoying each other.  

The next day, we were to surprise the kids at CDO First Assembly of God Church.  We planned this event for weeks.  We would get to the church early before 2nd service.  Then I would hide behind one of the columns on the 2nd floor in the Sanctuary.  When the Larraine and Frenfren got to the floor, they would see their mommy.  Then on cue, I would step out from behind the column.  

It didn't happen that way.  Rhoda and I got to the church early, riding in a taxi.  As we got out, our two precious children ran out of the lobby into my arms.  We were SURPRISED.  It's not fair though.  Larraine had help.  Her discernment is strong.  But it was okay.  We enjoyed the surprise.  

Back at our hotel room in Mallberry Suites, after lunch at Centrio, We decided to give the gifts that I brought from Guahan, to our kids.  The look on their faces was awesome.  Their reactions were priceless.  Frenfren was so excited to get his toy trucks.  He was elated at each gift that Rhoda pulled from the large box.  He was so funny.  He'll have a gift in his hands.  Then his mommy will pull another out.  He couldn't decide if he'll put the toy in his hands down or get the other new toy.  I just couldn't stop laughing at the scene.  

My neni girl, Larraine, was different.  She just wanted me to be home.  But I did get her a Winnie the Pooh bag.  It as great holding my children next to me as we laid in bed watching a movie or playing with the different toys.   

 The rest of the week was spending time with my Rhoda and our kids.  I walked Larraine to school on Tuesday.  Then it was off to see the dentist to get my mercury fillings out of my mouth.  We did 3 fillings that day.  Then 3 fillings the next day.  Only 1 filling left to take out, but that's going to be a root canal on my next visit.   

My mother-in-law came in with Uncle Pare'.  It was great to see how excited the kids are when their grandma is visiting.  It is always great to visit with my in-laws.  Hopefully next time, I'll have a longer visit so we can all fellowshipEven though it was fun, this trip was just to short.  

We did our family pictures.  My son is so funny.  He smuggled out his little batman action figure out of the house.  He stuffed it in his underwear.  So funny that boy.  He had a hard time sitting down on the first set of pictures.  Then when he got of the chair.  He started undoing his pants.  I thought he was going to show my his underwear again.  He's proud of his Christmas present from his mommy.  Then I saw the batman figure.  I just started laughing.  That son of mine is really something for a 3 year old.  

We had a lot of fun on this trip; Wrestling with my son, Cuddling with my daughter, Watching them play or watching their videos with them.   We went to the swimming pool one day.  Unfortunately, the pool that we always use at the Marco Hotel was reserved for a wedding.  So we walked across the street to Chaili Beach Resort to use their swimming poolThe service there is not good.  So if you're planning on staying in a hotel at Cagayan De Oro.  Don't go to Chaili Beach Resort.  Stay at the Mallberry Suites.  Service is great there.  So is there breakfast buffet. 

Although my trip was short.  It was great to spend time with my family.  Next trip will have to be longer and a side trip to the family house in Butuan City.  It was a blast to be able to spend time with Rhoda and our kids.  

Keep Smiling