Sunday, February 5, 2012

Safety Chat with a Contractor/Owner after Morning Service.

Being a Safety Instructor/Officer is not easy.  I'm talking about dealing with arrogant owners who don't have safety as a priority.  I understand about scheduling and production.  If there is no production, there is no income.  I get it.  What I don't get is having all the safety trainings that is offered out there.  Yet, the ignore implementing the safety culture. 

Safety starts top down.  If the Owner(s) don't care, the employees will adopt the same attitude.  This is exactly what happened a few minutes ago after morning service finished.  Walking out of the Sanctuary, I spotted two young boys, maybe teenagers, in shorts and wearing zories in a construction zone.  I wanted to find out what they were doing in there.  At the entrance of the church parking lot, I spotted a surveyor team setting up to get their readings.  I approached them and asked who the owner is.  The guy behind the surveyor tripod replied that he is the owner.  So we started talking about how come his guys are not in PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).  He gave me a lists of excuses:

  • It's Sunday.
  • The employees are wearing safety shoes.  (but no other PPE) 
  • That's my neighbor, he's getting us drinks.  (wearing zories).
  • They're just washing the excavator.  (wearing only shorts and zories).
  • Those are my sons.  They're not working.
  • I'm a safety officer.  I know what I'm doing.
  • My employees have safety training.

He even dropped names of Safety Officers/Managers of different construction companies, asking if I knew them.  Of course, I know them.  The Safety Industry on this island is small.  We all know of each other.  I highly recommended that he and his men come to my safety trainings, and gave them my card.  He replied that he's a safety officer and his men are safety trained. 

I knew right then and there at that statement.  This guy doesn't care.  There was no point of turning our congenial conversation into a heated argument.  Him avoiding eye contact with me, told me he knew he was wrong.  Dropping names, making claims, all deflections of blame.  I just wanted him to come in for safety training.  It doesn't have to be safety training from me.  As long as he goes and have his guys get properly trained.   I even told him that I didn't want to see local money being paid to OSHA for fines that could stay here on island as pay raises or more investments. 

Let me enlighten that owner here on this post.  I doubt that I'll ever see him again except maybe in passing. 

As the Prime Contractor, you are responsible for everyone on your job site: Employees, Sub-contractors, Vendors, Suppliers, Public, and yes, even your own children. 

As the Owner of your company, you are the primary safety leader for your company.  If you set the example and implement a good safety culture.  Your managers and employees will follow your lead.

Name dropping will not help you.  You may know of them.  BUT do they know you.  Even if they know you, are they willing to put their necks on the line for you. 

I doubt if OSHA will cite you for having your children on the job site.  But I'm pretty sure CPS will, especially if there are any hazards that may harm your children. 

I would like to thank you in advance though.  For all the great safety violation pictures that I'll be taking from your job site. 

Keep Smiling

P.S.  Anything wrong with the above pictures taken at this owner's job site? 

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