Friday, February 3, 2012

Ranch Update: Banana Grove Clean-up.

I cleaned around the banana trees on the North side, this afternoon.  Pulling down the dead leaves from the trees and then laying them down on the grown forming a mulch.  That'll help keep the weeds under control and help with moisture retention. 

I harvested two bunches of bananas.  They're huge approximately 50 pounds each bunch.  We'll be having banana donuts for awhile.  Maybe banana pancakes for breakfast in the mornings. 

I checked the South side after I cleaned around the banana grove.  The wild pigs got to my young coconuts.  I propped most of them up today.  I'll plant more coconut saplings tomorrow.  Looks like I'm gonna attach the circular blade to my bush cutter tomorrow morning to cut the small brush.  Will try to get most of the brush cut back tomorrow. 

Plan to move my ranch dog, Stormie from the South side, back up the North side.  That will expand my ranch security.  Duchess will move back to where she used to be, until she broke that old lead.  I'll still have one more dog to move to the ranch side. 

While all this was going on, I started up the old burner and had the mango tree smoked.  There is another pile on the outside of my bedroom that will burn tomorrow.  Lots of things to do here. 

I have to make a trip to the Department of Agriculture's farm to get some seedlings and other plants for my ranch.  I'll do that next week.  I know the perfect place to grow some sun flower plants.

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