Sunday, February 26, 2012

Deja Vu all over again. Went through this 12 years ago. Let's see if history repeats itself.

Leaders! With today's technology, we have texting, cell phones, emails, skype, voice chat, satellite connections, and other electronic means for us to effectively communicate with our team and subordinates. Please use one or all systems to effectively communicate with your team. Failure to do so causes miscommunication.

Major TV Ministry Challenge.

This morning I learned that our two directors for the TV ministry were not on island.  I didn't even know they left for vacation for three to four weeks.  To be told to operate the TV controls and and run one camera 10 minutes prior to service starting was a bit stressful. 

The last time I sat on the Director's chair was years ago.  During ROTV's first training with Sis. Hannita and Sis. Trixie.  That was just a familiarization course to let us feel how the director feels behind the controls. 

I am thankful to Pastor Eric and Bro. Marjune for getting the TV system up and running.  Pastor Rick helped get Alpha Cam (camera) online.  I helped with the White Balance and the AE settings for the camera.  Sis. Loida helped with the fade in and outs for the screen shots.  We got the system recording a couple of minutes late but we did good.  I don't know the quality of the recording.  I just know we got the service recorded. 

It's only through prayer and God's grace that today's shoot/recording was not a dud. 

After service, I talked with Pastor Rick and Bro. Ricky regarding next Sunday's shoot/recording.  We have a plan.  We will be able to retrieve Charlie Cam and the radios to use next Sunday. 

I'm not going to take credit for being the Director for today.  This was a major team effort with Video/Audio and TV ministries.  Again, Thanks to Pastor Eric, Bro. Marjune, Sis. Loida, Pastor Rick for helping to get this production recording done this morning.  Special Thanks to the Holy Spirit for getting rid of that stress during Praise and Worship. 

Keep Smiling

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Soccer, Rodeo, and Renovations.

It was a beautiful and busy day today,

Watched my niece Arissa's soccer game.  I was able to take some pictures and a short video recording using her new camera.  Not bad for a digital camera, It has a lot of bells and whistles on it.  As for the game, Ris did okay up until she got stepped on by another player from the opposing team.  She was down for a couple of minutes.  But got up and shook it off.  After that, Ris had spurts of energy try to get at the ball.  I could tell she was hurting.  Been there, years ago, when I played for my unit during the Post League at Ft. Bragg.  Anyway, the team needs a lot of work in team development.  I don't blame the players.  That's the coaches job to do.  Hopefully, the team will get better as the season moves forward. 

After the game, we made a quick stop at the Guam Contractor's Association's Construction Rodeo at the Guam Raceway Park.  They were still setting up their booths and competition areas.  As I walked around, I spotted a lot of safety violations.  I understand that this is a rodeo type event and should be fun, and it is not a construction job site.  But what are we telling the public when they come to watch these events.  It's okay.  We are safe on the job site.  However, events like these, we put safety to the side.  I don't agree.  Seeing Electrical cords on the ground presenting a trip hazard or  having one electrical cord tap into another electrical cord because the first one was short and they need a longer run.  Heavy Equipment operators were not wearing their seat belts and/or hearing protection devices.  People standing on chairs to put up or fix banners.   Hopefully, the day progressed and the corporate safeties took control of their men's safety and health welfare. 

After we got back home, I went across the street to Greg's house to help him with his renovation project.  I did some painting on the roof putting down elastomeric roof paint.  Helped Greg take out the washer, dryer, and stove from inside the house to the garage.  Later in the afternoon, Primo Ferdinand and I brought the dryer to my house.  I may keep it.  Most likely, I'll clean it up a bit and then sell it for about $50.  It's still running and the body is in good condition.  When the new light fixtures are in, I'll be installing them. 

I'll be getting some equipment and supplies from Greg for my ranch.  I will also be adopting his dog, Shorty.  Getting another Shorty.  Really nice ranch dog.  Gonna train him, when I finally get him.

Keep Smiling

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Have to stop being Stupid, and just Love my Wife.

There are times when I really am upset at myself.  Especially when it comes to how I treat my wife and kids.  For the life of me, I don't know how Rhoda puts up with all the baloney I dish out.  It's not until after I cool down after a heated discussion that I realize what a jerk I've been to my wife.  All I have to do is shut my mouth, keep my pride in check, and Listen.  But do I do that.  No.  I do stupid things, jump to conclusions, and stress out Rhoda. 

I have to keep my temper in check and remember this lady is the one, Jesus chose for me.  She accepted me, for me -- "As Is", and married this battle weary Warrior.  I have to constantly remind myself, that Rhoda is my wife, not one of my troopers.

 I do love Rhoda.  I have to do more for her.  I have to love her as Christ loved the church and keep 1 Corinthians 13:4.  To do anything else is not love. 

Rhoda has done more in keep our family together and raising our children, than I have.  I do appreciate her.  I can't do what she does.  My last trip home in September...5 minutes playing with my son and I was tired.  Frenfren wore me out.  I had to surrender, give him back to his mommy.  Yet, Rhoda can handle him the whole day.  She also tutors Larraine late in the evening.  Am I there to do that?  No.  Yet, whenever it gets stressful.  I take out my stress on her.  I have to learn to stop doing that.

One day, God willing, Rhoda is gonna kick my arse.  And, I'm gonna deserve it.  She punches hard because I showed her how to do some punching drills.  That's why I am hesitant to teach her KAJUKENBO (martial arts). 

Rhoda deserves better.  I have to control my temper.  I have to stop taking her for granted.  With Jesus's help, I'm gonna change for the better.  Rhoda and my kids deserves it.

I will be a Prophet, Priest, Provider, and Protector to my wife and children.  

Friday, February 17, 2012

How much is a life worth?

I had a meeting with an OSHA official in regards to safety violations with a company that called me in, to help them.  For the last month, I've been helping --pro bono-- the new safety manager to get his company moving towards a positive safety culture.   So with today's meeting, we discussed safety violations that I've verbally recommended to the safety manager to correct, weeks ago.  As of to date, none have been corrected. 

The owner of this company wants me to come on board part-time, to help them out.  With what, I've seen in that construction company's yard, I'm not so sure that I want to work there.  Sure enough, the violations that I've seen first hand and relayed to the OSHA official is not just serious, but willful.  They know of the safety hazards but decided not to do anything about it. 

Safety violations that I've observed:

  • Exposed Electrical Wires  --  IDLH (Imminent Danger to Life and Health)
  • Smoking within 50 feet of a fuel tank --  IDLH
  • Welder not using welding screens and PPE  --  Serious
  • Unqualified Forklift Operators not wearing seatbelt -- IDLH
  • Unserviceable ladders 4 each  --  Serious

That's just a few of the serious ones, there are many more safety violations. 

It upsets me everytime I set foot on that compound to see all those safety violation not mitigated/abated..  The safety culture is non-existent in the yard.  Workers are not using the minimum required PPE. 

The safety culture has to start from the top down.  If the owner don't care.  The employees won't care.  And, the owner's goal is be at the same level as the two top construction companies on island.  He better start investing in safety. 

How much are Octogon box covers for the electrical boxes compared to a life? 
How much is a brand new ladder to a life?
How much is it to send an employee to get properly trained in Forklift Safety to a life?

Really sad state of affairs with this company. 

The OSHA Official's advice to me:  Have the Safety Manager invite him to do a courtesy inspection.  I will relay that message to the new Safety Manager. 

Keep Smiling

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Frenz and the Eggs.

As told to me by Rhoda, added some creative work to her story. 

The other day, inside the kitchen playing around, Frenfren opened the refrigerator door.  He saw the nice eggs his mommy had bought last night. 10 of them in all, sitting inside the refrigerator.  He was excited when he saw the eggs just sitting there.  He remembered how nice the chicks were when he helped care for the chicks right after they came out of the eggs.  All newly hatched, wet, and needing help.  He remembered how his nino and the caretaker carefully cared for each chick that was hatching from it's egg. 

So he decided right there with the cold air from the refrigerator escaping into the kitchen.  The chicks in the 10 eggs needs help in getting out.  With 10 eggs, he'll get 10 baby chicks.  So he carefully took the first egg and cracked it open.  The yolk spilling unto the kitchen floor.  There was no baby chick. 

Not disappointed, he thought there must be chicks in the other eggs.  They need help.  So he took the next egg, cracked it open, yolk spilling unto the floor next to the first egg.  There was no baby chick.  He knew there has to baby chicks in the eggs.  He saw it himself when the chicks hatched the other week.  His nino and the caretaker next door, helped the baby chicks from the eggs.  He knew in his heart that there are baby chicks waiting to hatch from the eggs in the refrigerator. 

So again, he took an egg, cracked it, the yolk again fell to the ground next to the other yolks.  Yet, there were no baby chicks.  Frenfren did this seven more times, until all the eggs were cracked, the egg yolks all on the kitchen floor, mixing together.  Again, after each opened egg, there was no baby chick. 

Not to be disappointed, since there was no baby chicks.  He looked at the egg yolks on the kitchen floor.  Frenfren thought again to himself, since there are no baby chicks in the eggs,  I will make dinner.  He spied the ripe tomatoes his mommy had bought with the eggs the night before.  Took a tomato, set it on the floor.  Then he went back to the refrigerator and took the kitchen knife that his mommy stores with the other utensils on the inside of the refrigerator door. 

With the tomato in one hand and kitchen knife in the other, he started slicing tomatoes just like his mommy does when she is preparing their dinner.  He was intent on making dinner for the family, just like how his mommy makes it. 

Just then, his mommy walks into the kitchen and sees the wonderful mess on the kitchen floor.  Her baby boy was cutting tomatoes into slices amid the egg yolks.  She calmly asked Frenfren what is going on.  Frenfren explained that he saw the 10 eggs in the refrigerator and that he wanted 10 chicks of his own.  But since there were no chicks, he decided to make dinner for the family. 

Her son displayed self-esteem, self-confidence, and initiative.  She could not bring herself to spanking the boy.  After cleaning up the mess on the kitchen floor, she took the time to explain to her young son, that chicks are not found in eggs inside the refrigerator.  Those eggs are outside under a hen or inside an incubator.  Also, that we prepare the dinner on the table or counter, not on the kitchen floor. 

Later that evening, during her chat with her husband who is away.  She relayed the days of events of their son.  He laughed at the story being told.  For it was years ago, at about the same age as his son, that he and his cousins did the exact same thing in their Lolo's house, in the family compound, looking for chicks in the eggs inside the refrigerator. 

Keep Smiling

Since this story came out.  All the sharps have been taken out of the refrigerator and secured in a higher place that Frenfren will not get to. 

Ranch Update: Sunday's Projects.

It's been raining since this morning.  Everytime I go out to do some ranch chores.  It starts to rain again.  I really need to get a work shed for rainy day projects. 

After morning service this past Sunday, I did some cleaning around the ranch.  The Guinea rooster was reported missing Saturday.  When I went to do my morning checks.  I found him back there near the pens with the caged guineas.  I cleaned out the drinking containers for the dogs on the perimeter.  Duchess was released from her perimeter lead.  She's now back on roving patrol. 

I moved Stormie back up to the North Side where she used to be stationed.  Cleared out the area the day before.  Oreo is back with Pepsi where Stormie used to be tied off too.  Pepsi will help train her.  That leaves Nugget and the other pup.  Nugget is out in front of the house by the driveway.   Still working on this one.  Will have to figure it out later. 

Noticed two bunches getting ready to ripen.  Will harvest them Tuesday or Wednesday. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Safety Chat with a Contractor/Owner after Morning Service.

Being a Safety Instructor/Officer is not easy.  I'm talking about dealing with arrogant owners who don't have safety as a priority.  I understand about scheduling and production.  If there is no production, there is no income.  I get it.  What I don't get is having all the safety trainings that is offered out there.  Yet, the ignore implementing the safety culture. 

Safety starts top down.  If the Owner(s) don't care, the employees will adopt the same attitude.  This is exactly what happened a few minutes ago after morning service finished.  Walking out of the Sanctuary, I spotted two young boys, maybe teenagers, in shorts and wearing zories in a construction zone.  I wanted to find out what they were doing in there.  At the entrance of the church parking lot, I spotted a surveyor team setting up to get their readings.  I approached them and asked who the owner is.  The guy behind the surveyor tripod replied that he is the owner.  So we started talking about how come his guys are not in PPE (Personal Protective Equipment).  He gave me a lists of excuses:

  • It's Sunday.
  • The employees are wearing safety shoes.  (but no other PPE) 
  • That's my neighbor, he's getting us drinks.  (wearing zories).
  • They're just washing the excavator.  (wearing only shorts and zories).
  • Those are my sons.  They're not working.
  • I'm a safety officer.  I know what I'm doing.
  • My employees have safety training.

He even dropped names of Safety Officers/Managers of different construction companies, asking if I knew them.  Of course, I know them.  The Safety Industry on this island is small.  We all know of each other.  I highly recommended that he and his men come to my safety trainings, and gave them my card.  He replied that he's a safety officer and his men are safety trained. 

I knew right then and there at that statement.  This guy doesn't care.  There was no point of turning our congenial conversation into a heated argument.  Him avoiding eye contact with me, told me he knew he was wrong.  Dropping names, making claims, all deflections of blame.  I just wanted him to come in for safety training.  It doesn't have to be safety training from me.  As long as he goes and have his guys get properly trained.   I even told him that I didn't want to see local money being paid to OSHA for fines that could stay here on island as pay raises or more investments. 

Let me enlighten that owner here on this post.  I doubt that I'll ever see him again except maybe in passing. 

As the Prime Contractor, you are responsible for everyone on your job site: Employees, Sub-contractors, Vendors, Suppliers, Public, and yes, even your own children. 

As the Owner of your company, you are the primary safety leader for your company.  If you set the example and implement a good safety culture.  Your managers and employees will follow your lead.

Name dropping will not help you.  You may know of them.  BUT do they know you.  Even if they know you, are they willing to put their necks on the line for you. 

I doubt if OSHA will cite you for having your children on the job site.  But I'm pretty sure CPS will, especially if there are any hazards that may harm your children. 

I would like to thank you in advance though.  For all the great safety violation pictures that I'll be taking from your job site. 

Keep Smiling

P.S.  Anything wrong with the above pictures taken at this owner's job site? 

Friday, February 3, 2012

I've had my Google+ account for awhile. I really like it. It's user friendly, security/privacy is great. I can put family, friends, co-workers, people in general into different "Circles". I've started migrating from Facebook to Google +. I'll still keep my facebook account. I just won't be on it as often. So I'll see y'all on either side. Keep Smiling :) If you're on Google +, go ahead and add me up.

Ranch Update: Banana Grove Clean-up.

I cleaned around the banana trees on the North side, this afternoon.  Pulling down the dead leaves from the trees and then laying them down on the grown forming a mulch.  That'll help keep the weeds under control and help with moisture retention. 

I harvested two bunches of bananas.  They're huge approximately 50 pounds each bunch.  We'll be having banana donuts for awhile.  Maybe banana pancakes for breakfast in the mornings. 

I checked the South side after I cleaned around the banana grove.  The wild pigs got to my young coconuts.  I propped most of them up today.  I'll plant more coconut saplings tomorrow.  Looks like I'm gonna attach the circular blade to my bush cutter tomorrow morning to cut the small brush.  Will try to get most of the brush cut back tomorrow. 

Plan to move my ranch dog, Stormie from the South side, back up the North side.  That will expand my ranch security.  Duchess will move back to where she used to be, until she broke that old lead.  I'll still have one more dog to move to the ranch side. 

While all this was going on, I started up the old burner and had the mango tree smoked.  There is another pile on the outside of my bedroom that will burn tomorrow.  Lots of things to do here. 

I have to make a trip to the Department of Agriculture's farm to get some seedlings and other plants for my ranch.  I'll do that next week.  I know the perfect place to grow some sun flower plants.