Thursday, October 6, 2011

Making of the Chokoy Boy.

My first day home at Cagayan De Oro was great.  I had brought with me many pasalubong from Guahan for Rhoda, the kids, and her family.  Most of it was American Chocolates.  I noticed when Rhoda was taking inventory of what was in the suit case and dutifully seperating it, Frenz didn't go after all the party bags of Hershey's Chocolates.  He was busy playing with the shampoos, soaps, and laundry detergents that I had brought.  I was kind of perplexed by his reaction to chocolates...ignoring them. 

It wasn't until after Rhoda took some chocolates out to eat. That Frenz asked what was his mommy eating.  He wanted some to try.  Rhoda gave him one bite size Hershey's chocolate bar to eat.  He carefully opened the small bar and tasted it.  He was surprised and said it was delicious.  He fully exaggerated his delight to the taste of Hershey's chocolates, commenting on each piece he ate. 

Since that first day, Frenz would always ask for Chokoy (chocolates).  He would say in Visayan, only one.  Once you gave him, he would be happy, jumping up and down, and content.  But as soon as he was finished with that piece, he would be back asking for, only one, again.  So the cycle begins.  Rhoda and I would then start hiding the chocolates.  So then everytime he asked, we would show him that there was none.  But, he continued asking.

One day, Frenz and Larraine were given a handful of choclates in red, yellow, brown wrappings.  I had assumed that they would share.  Rhoda asked Larraine how much she had eaten.  Larraine sadly said, only two.  So Rhoda asked Frenz how much he ate.  Frenz replied happily, only one. Even though his face, hands, and t-shirt had chocolate stains.  Larraine exclaimed, Only one, you ate 15!  Again Rhoda asked the boy, what happened to the other chocolates.  Frenz replied that the witch ate them. 

While in Butuan City, Frenz told the rest of the extended family that he has chokoy back in Cagayan De Oro.  Even though Rhoda and I hid the chocolates pretty good from Frenz.  He can sense that there are still chocolates hidden in the room. 

Back in Cagayan De Oro, Frenz would constantly ask, "Isang Chokoy, Isang ako".  meaning one chocolate, one for me. He is so funny.  Days before I left to return to Guahan.  Frenz started praying for more chokoy.  And he was serious about his prayers too.  Amazing how strong his Faith is believing that God will provide Blessings, so I'll be able to send Chokoy to him. 

I asked Rhoda to ask Frenz a question, giving him a choice.  A brand new bike or chocolates.  Frenz reply was to give him the brand new bike so he can go get chocolates.  My boy is only two years old and his reasoning is mature for his age. 

Now he has a new nickname; Chokoy Boy.