Sunday, October 30, 2011

Empty Seats.

It's really frustrating to see so many empty seats.  It's not easy getting the shots for my cam.  When I have to avoid those seats, so they're not in the shots.  Especially, when my parameters are tight. 

I don't understand why we have to pull out extra seats for the back...When there are so many empty seats in the middle and/or front.  Something is wrong with this picture. 

One solution maybe to get rid of the front row of seats.  Since, not many people like to sit up there.  We can replace it with a small 30 inch wall divider, in front of each area of seats. 

Solution number two would be to get rid of the back row of seats...all the way across.  And every loose chair in the back wall area.  This would force people to move into the empty seats in the middle and front of the building. 

I digress...I'm but a voice in a large crowd. 

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