Sunday, October 30, 2011

Professional letter designations.

I've always wondered what it would be like to have letters behind my name.  Do you know what I'm talking about?  You know people like doctors.  Who have DDS, DVM, or MD.  I know there are a lot more than that.  Even nurses have them, LPN, RN, DN.  Rhoda has an RN designation from the Philippine Board.  I know several people who have them, mostly doctors at the clinic or professors at the university.  To me, it means that person took a lot of personal investment into their chosen career. 

When I chose to get into the Safety Field last year.  I always watched with curiosity different safety instructors write on the white board behind their names: CHST, STS, CM, CIH, CSP.  I was curious to know what those letters meant: CHST stood for Certified Health Safety Technician, STS stands for Safety Technical Supervisor; CM is for Construction Manager; CIH stood for Certified Industrial Hygienist; and CSP is for Certified Safety Professional.  There are many others from different organizations. 

These designations are not affordable.  They are very expensive investment and takes a lot of committed time to earn these designations from the professional organizations that award them.  Earlier this year, I started looking into getting my CHST from the Board of Certified Safety Professionals and World Safety Organization.  I've been tossing the idea back and forth in my head.  There are advantages and disadvantages earning these designation letters.  The pros do out weight the cons.  The bottom line is public assurance that the person holding those professional credentials is trained according to a certain standard. 

I am studying for the Certified Health Safety Technician Exam for the Board of Certified Safety Professionals and World Safety Organization. I will attain those credentials next year with a lot of studying, and by God's grace. 

However to my surprise.  I learned a couple of weeks ago that I was awarded the Construction Site Safety Supervisor (CSSS) and Construction Site Safety Technician (CSST) Certifications from the National Construction Center for Education and Research last February 22, 2011.  I was browsing my online NCCER transcript for a course that I had completed in February that was not added on there yet.  That's when I discovered the certifications along with the missing safety course were in my transcript.  What timing! 

I'm not sure if these are counted as  professional designation letters.  I have seen some Safety Instructors use them as such.  I am not going to do that until I get verification from NCCER, that they are letter designators. 


Empty Seats.

It's really frustrating to see so many empty seats.  It's not easy getting the shots for my cam.  When I have to avoid those seats, so they're not in the shots.  Especially, when my parameters are tight. 

I don't understand why we have to pull out extra seats for the back...When there are so many empty seats in the middle and/or front.  Something is wrong with this picture. 

One solution maybe to get rid of the front row of seats.  Since, not many people like to sit up there.  We can replace it with a small 30 inch wall divider, in front of each area of seats. 

Solution number two would be to get rid of the back row of seats...all the way across.  And every loose chair in the back wall area.  This would force people to move into the empty seats in the middle and front of the building. 

I digress...I'm but a voice in a large crowd. 

Missing my family.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

NEW Guam VA Clinic...not up to Par.

When the Veterans on Guahan were told that we are getting a brand new Veteran's Clinic.  We were all ecstatic.  Since that new clinic opened up last year.  It's been a pain.  I thought service would be better.  My primary doctor and nurse are great!  But, the front desk staff...for a lack of a PC word...they suck! 

My primary doctor and I had a heart to heart during my last annual exam a week ago.  There are only two (2) doctors at the clinic to take care of more than 2000+ Veterans.  There is no pharmacists.  The nurse has to also work as the pharmacists.  During my appointment, my primary doctor was the only doctor in the facility.  What happens if she had to call in sick while the other doctor is gone?  Do they close the clinic for that day, week? 

Today, I went in to get my BP checked.  I had an appointment last Friday afternoon.  But I couldn't make it due to work.  I figured I could just walk-in like I normally do, to get my BP checked.  The Front Desk Clerk called my name and told me that I have to make a new appointment for the BP clinic and that walk-ins are now closed.  Instead of arguing with her...I decided to leave. 

Congress spent millions of dollars on this new VA Clinic and the service has not gotten better, but worse.  Make an appointment to get my BP checked?!  I'm a former Combat LIfesaver.  It does not take 5 minutes to pull my chart and put the cuff on my arm to get a reading.  There was only 1 other person in the waiting room besides me.  For the amount of time that it took for that clerk to talk to me about missed and rescheduling appointments, and that walk-ins are now closed.  I would have gotten my BP checked. 

I liked the old VA clinic at the Naval Hospital.  Service was better, everything is right there at the hospital.  Now we have to drive to other clinics for specialized care.  I didn't have to make an appointment for a BP Check.  I just walked in.  I didn't have to drive to more than one place to get my lab work done and go to other appointments.  Sometimes that grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence. 

This new million dollar clinic is understaffed by medical professionals to treat over 2000 Veterans.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Coming off a relaxing weekend.

Hafa Adai Y'all,  It's been awhile since I posted my last blog.  I have been busy.  Pretty glad for the much needed break this past weekend.  A lot going on with the safety trainings.  I'm gonna solo my first 40-hour safety course next week.  I want to see if I can do it.  I know I can.  I've been doing the OSHA 30-hours for awhile now.  I'm also revamping many of my safety slide presentations for all the different safety trainings that I am teaching.  It should be good.  I do have a 16-hour Hazard Recognition Course on Thursday and Friday this week.  I have to schedule a OSHA 30-hour Construction Hazard Recognition Course.  Getting a lot of requests for it.  I keep telling my friends to call OSH Solutions to schedule.  Might as well, do it for them. 

I have a serious family issue that I am dealing with in the Philippines.  It deals with my Neni Girl, Larraine.  It's really sensitive, at the moment.  Larraine and Rhoda have not given me permission to disclose what has happened.  Larraine is okay, now.  I'm just glad and thankful to God, that nothing more serious happened.  We're at a crossroads at the moment on how to move forward.  I'm praying that we do the right thing to keep my neni girl, and family safe. 

I'm back in the classroom, not as an instructor, but as a student again.  I am studying, Program Management.  I want to learn the intricacies of how things gets planned, procured, and delivered in the Construction Industry.  I believe the concept is the same as planning and scheduling for the military.  I had an experience with a previous construction company where the job was awarded to us.  Yet, months later on day 1 of the job, there were no supplies and equipment to do the work.  The workers were blamed for that.  I didn't think it was our fault.  I truly believe the owner and program managers didn't do a good job in planning that  job. 

So I am using my scholarship funds from First Hawaiian Bank to take the Program Management Course.  It's interesting to know the differences between each type of delivery systems: Traditional Contract Delivery, Build/Design, Construction Management, Construction Management at Risk, and Engineering-Procurement-Control. Also the different Construction Phases and what is supposed to happen in each phase.  Interesting...

This course is from the National Center for Construction Education and Research.  Similar to my Safety Courses, upon completion...I will be certified in Program Management.  I can take this certification and go anywhere in the USA for work.  I'm not chained to any geographic location.  My credentials are recognized nationwide with companies that hire NCCER grads. 


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My son, Frenz's explanation about the door.

Rhoda was telling me that the door was damaged.

Ronald, Rhoda's brother, saw Frenz near the door and asked him, "
what did you do with the door why it's ruined?". 

Then frenz said, "halaka, si daddy bug-at sakay tahan". 

Which means,
oh my gosh, daddy was so heavy when he was riding that it's broken".   Translation from Rhoda.

Hmmm, my son is using my name to his advantage.  LOL...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Our Dates...

Arriving home in CDO, after a long break...was great.  Rhoda and I have been through so much together during our long distance separation.  It was not easy.  Filipino Overseas Foreign Workers and Deployed US military service members had a better chance seeing their families, inside a year, than we did.  However with Jesus, as the Head of our Household, we endured.

We spent a lot of quality time together, the moment I walked through the front door.  Believe me, if there is a will, there will be a way.  So we did.  Lots of 'em.  When we went out of the house to run an errand, pay bills, look for a heat press machine, or other things.  We went on dates. 

Starbucks was amazing.  I'm still tripping over the price difference there in CDO and here on the island.  I still think we're being ripped off. Anyway, We both ordered a Mocha Caramel Frappe.  The Bente size...largest they had at 155 Pesos each.  In USD, that's approximately $3.70.  I still think I'm being ripped off here.  Okay so back to our date...Rhoda and I ordered a Fudge chocolate cake and cheese cake.  They were good.  We took some pics of our order for remembrance.  We had a great time.  That was actually Rhoda's first time to Starbucks. 

After that we just cruised the mall for awhile.  I did take some pictures of the safety violations I saw at the construction site next to the wall.  Yeah, I know...working while on vacation. 

Other dates were sidelines of actual trips to the store.  Larraine caught on to what Rhoda and I were doing.  One day, while I was in the shower getting ready.  Larraine called out to me and asked if she can go.  Of course, I said, yes.  We were only going to buy the major ingredients for the celebration that weekend.  So we went bought what we needed to get and stopped by Jollibee for a coke float. we did order some crispy spicy chicken while we were there.  Have to make the most of our outings. 

One Monday, after we saw the doctor.  Rhoda and I went to Chowking.  It's a nice fastfood Chinese Restaurant in CDO's Divisoria.  We ordered two of their Halo-halo.  Rhoda ate one, while I ate two.  After I had finished my first one, I went back to order a second one.   It was great to eat halo-halo again, especially with my wife. 

One special date was on the river bank behind the house in San Vicente at the family compound south of Butuan City.  All the kids were in school.  Frenz was with his younger siblings.  Larraine was with her Tita Rizza.  We went down to the picnic table that Marlon, Rhoda's brother-in-law, had built.  We just enjoyed each other's company.  What was also great.  We were singing Praise and Worship songs.  Rhoda was playing the guitar.  I was her backup singer.  It was great, just the two of us, for that couple of hours.

We'll definitely be doing more dates when I go home again for Christmas/New Year's Vacation. 

Picture above taken by Rizza. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Making of the Chokoy Boy.

My first day home at Cagayan De Oro was great.  I had brought with me many pasalubong from Guahan for Rhoda, the kids, and her family.  Most of it was American Chocolates.  I noticed when Rhoda was taking inventory of what was in the suit case and dutifully seperating it, Frenz didn't go after all the party bags of Hershey's Chocolates.  He was busy playing with the shampoos, soaps, and laundry detergents that I had brought.  I was kind of perplexed by his reaction to chocolates...ignoring them. 

It wasn't until after Rhoda took some chocolates out to eat. That Frenz asked what was his mommy eating.  He wanted some to try.  Rhoda gave him one bite size Hershey's chocolate bar to eat.  He carefully opened the small bar and tasted it.  He was surprised and said it was delicious.  He fully exaggerated his delight to the taste of Hershey's chocolates, commenting on each piece he ate. 

Since that first day, Frenz would always ask for Chokoy (chocolates).  He would say in Visayan, only one.  Once you gave him, he would be happy, jumping up and down, and content.  But as soon as he was finished with that piece, he would be back asking for, only one, again.  So the cycle begins.  Rhoda and I would then start hiding the chocolates.  So then everytime he asked, we would show him that there was none.  But, he continued asking.

One day, Frenz and Larraine were given a handful of choclates in red, yellow, brown wrappings.  I had assumed that they would share.  Rhoda asked Larraine how much she had eaten.  Larraine sadly said, only two.  So Rhoda asked Frenz how much he ate.  Frenz replied happily, only one. Even though his face, hands, and t-shirt had chocolate stains.  Larraine exclaimed, Only one, you ate 15!  Again Rhoda asked the boy, what happened to the other chocolates.  Frenz replied that the witch ate them. 

While in Butuan City, Frenz told the rest of the extended family that he has chokoy back in Cagayan De Oro.  Even though Rhoda and I hid the chocolates pretty good from Frenz.  He can sense that there are still chocolates hidden in the room. 

Back in Cagayan De Oro, Frenz would constantly ask, "Isang Chokoy, Isang ako".  meaning one chocolate, one for me. He is so funny.  Days before I left to return to Guahan.  Frenz started praying for more chokoy.  And he was serious about his prayers too.  Amazing how strong his Faith is believing that God will provide Blessings, so I'll be able to send Chokoy to him. 

I asked Rhoda to ask Frenz a question, giving him a choice.  A brand new bike or chocolates.  Frenz reply was to give him the brand new bike so he can go get chocolates.  My boy is only two years old and his reasoning is mature for his age. 

Now he has a new nickname; Chokoy Boy. look on my inbox page at Multiply. Nice.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Larraine's Reaction knowing I'm home.

Larraine, Frenz, and me in Butuan City, just before the Celebration.

As I laid in bed relaxing from the trip.  I heard outside the door a loud commotion from the kitchen.  Then the door flying open, and my neni girl coming through the door, 

"Daddy's Here!", yelled Larraine as she came through the bedroom door and jumped on the bed hugging me.  She embraced me hard.  She was so happy.  She wanted to cry but couldn't.  We just laid there holding each other.  It's been a long 2 years and 8 months. 

Rhoda came in and told me what happened outside when Larraine came home from school.  All my luggages had been kept in the other room.  So she wouldn't see it.  As she walked into the house, she asked her Papang and uncle if I was home.  Both told her, they don't know.  Then she went straight to the refrigerator to get a glass of water.  As she opened the refrigerator, she saw that it's full of party bags of chocolates.  She knew right then, that I was home.  She ran straight for my bedroom, and shouted as she saw me laying on the bed after she opened the door.  Everyone was laughing. 

My neni girl and I hugged each other for an hour.  This was her time with me.  Her mommy was asking her how she felt.  Larraine told her mommy that she is tingly all over.  She wants to cry but she can't.  She is so happy that I'm home.  Her prayer was answered, Daddy came home for her birthday. 

Larraine had a hard time getting my attention.  He baby brother was competing with her for it.  But she was able to sneak out of the house with her mommy and me when we went for our dates to spend time with me. 

Enjoying my weekend. Hope y'all have a great weekend. God Bless y'all!

Enjoying my weekend. Hope y'all have a great weekend. God Bless ya'll!

Meeting my son for the first time.

Frenz and me in Butuan City, September 17, 2011.

I had just flown in from Manila on a connecting flight. It was just before noon.  The private car had passed the house because I didn't recognize the street.  I was looking for the vulcanizing shop that was in front and to the right of the house.  It was no longer there so we passed it.  Good thing I recognized the kitchenette on the corner and bakery across the street.  I asked the driver to turn around.  After stopping traffic for a few seconds, we finally parked in front of the gate leading to the house.  I got out as the driver took care of taking down my bags.  I tried to get into the house quietly through the gate.  But the screen door was locked.  My father-in-law saw me and yelled out, "Welcome home" and opened the door for me.  He went outside to help with the bags.  Behind him was my son, Frenz.  He looked at me and smiled, walked to the side of the door looking at his grandpa, and then turned to me. 

That's the first time Frenz and I met, face to face.  Yeah, he knew me from our video chats on webcam.  But this was the first time, he actually met me in person.  I wasn't sure what to expect.  I didn't want to rush him and pick him up.  I was happy to see my son and greeted him.

"Hi there Frenfren"! 
He smiled at me.

It didn't take him long to come right up to me as I sat on our wooden couch.  He allowed me to pick him up.  And I sat him on my right leg.  Frenz kept looking at my face, studying it. 

I asked him, "Asa si Larraine?".  (Where is Larraine?)

He looked out the window.  Then looked back at me and said, "Wala". 

Rhoda came out and saw him.  "Aiii, you're with daddy?!"

Frenz smiled and leaned closer to me. 

Rhoda had gone outside to pay the taxi driver earlier and came back into the house to see Frenz sitting on my lap. 

We had talked a couple of days earlier, agreeing for me not to rush the boy.  Let him get used to me.  Allow Frenz time to know me.  I guess that conversation flew out the window.  My boy was sitting on my lap, like he knew me for a long time.  I'm so glad that we video chatted when he was able to talk to me.