Sunday, December 12, 2010

Twitter...Twitt...Twitting...Tweet...Tweetering--Why I don't?!

A friend of mine sent me an email 'suggesting' that I get on twitter.  That was over a month ago.  I'm sorry for the late reply.  But, I've been thinking about it for a long while.  As with any decision I go through the pros and cons decision making process.  It wasn't really that hard the first day after I thought about it.  I had decided not to do it.  But I had failed to send my reply to my 'friend'.  So I got a followup email 'suggesting' that I 'really' should try out twitter. 

Let me try twitting here on my blog first to see how it works, okay. 

TWEET:  In the bathroom taking a dump.  Smells like roses! 

TWEET:  Just picked my nose.  Got a crusty on my finger as I'm typing this!

TWEET:  Saw a guy hit his wife.  Went up to guy and beat him up!

TWEET:  Punk cut me off on Marine Corps Drive.  He's lucky I don't have my gun with me!

TWEET:  Had a great lunch with my Pari' with his chatmak.  I wonder if Mali' will read this.

TWEET:  Mali' invited me to dinner with her chatmak.  Hmmm, Pari' is lucky!

TWEET:  Some girl busy putting making up on at the stop light.  Light is Green! 

TWEET:  Guy talking on his cellphone runs into truck in front of KFC!

TWEET:  I'm running out of things to Tweet!

TWEET:  Just read above, again!

I prefer blogging.  Twitting/Tweeting is just not my thing.  It's bad enough I see guys grab their phones in class the minute it goes off, then runs outside to take the call or read their text.  If I wanted people to know what I'm doing every minute of the day.  I'd be in a reality show. 

I do have a cellphone.  But, that's only for my wife and work related issues.  Everyone else can email me, message me on Facebook, or hit up my comment section here on Multiply. 

I'll leave Tweeting to the birds. 


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