Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Morning Appointment at the VA Clinic.

I was able to visit the new VA clinic this morning.  My first visit since it opened.  Got there pretty early, since I had left an hour before my appointment to bypass the construction traffic at the Tri-intersection in Barrigada.  Now they have a security guard in the lobby.  That's a new one.  

I did the normal in-processing, filled out the form and turned it in.  Sat down for close to 45 minutes.  The movie on the TV was 10,000 B.C., which the security guard turned the volume because he thought it was to loud.  I wasn't paying attention to it anyway.  I thought my appointment was to see the clinic psychiatrist.  But I was surprised when I was called and went to see a new doctor from Hawaii.  

He asked the same old questions.  I gave the same old answers.  Then he checked my right knee and my lower back.  You know, if these guys only read my medical file they would find all they needed to know in there.  Yes, I damaged my right knee during a volleyball game, that we call combat volleyball in Ft. Bragg.  Yes, I broke my lower back in a car accident when I was ordered to retrieve a paratrooper from his house for beating his wife.  I don't understand why I have to keep repeating the same thing every evaluation.  READ MY MEDICAL RECORDS!  

Anyway, the Hawaiian doctor told me that it'll take anywhere from 3 to 6 months before the Benefits Office does anything.  That's just to long for me to wait.  I did not hesitate when the first Gulf War happened.  I answered the call.  I gave more than 100% of my time to the military.  I served with Honor.  And now, that I need this disability upgrade, not for myself, but for my family.  I'm told it'll take 3 to 6 more months.  And they still may not approve my request.  

Everything with the VA is wait...  It is so frustrating.  

I did have questions for the doctor.  But what was the point in asking them, when I already know the answer.  

My chances with winning the Washington State Lottery is a lot better than waiting for my disability rating.  

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