Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's in His hands now.

I can't complain about life, especially this year.  As much as I want to, I will not.  I have to or rather want to remain positive.  I'm believing that there is more for me out there to do.  God is my provider. 

My ranch project has started.  I have a ranch that needs work.  I've been outside the last couple of days since Thanksgiving working on it.  Still have lots more to do.  It's a day to day process.  What I grow and raise will feed my family here.  For months now, I've let the ground go fallow.  Since taking the organic classes years ago.  I've incorporated a lot of techniques taught in those classes to improve my soil.  I have three huge trees to fell this week.  Starting tomorrow, I'll be clearing around those trees to get them ready. 

As for Safety Instruction, I'm not on schedule to teach for awhile.  Although, I am on standby.  When I'm needed, they'll call me.  So to keep busy while I'm waiting.  I'll be attending a banana tree workshop this Saturday.  It's been awhile since I've been to the university's agriculture workshops. 

This coming Sunday is Abundant Life Church's Ground Breaking for the New Vision Center.  I'll be working the camera during the Morning Celebration Service.  The afternoon will be busy helping to get the current church facilities ready for the evening fellowship and the new vision center area ready for the ground breaking. 

I am hoping and praying that I get to see my family again for the Christmas Holidays.  It's all in God's hands now.  He knows my desires.  The only available flight is Christmas Day now on Philippine Airlines. 

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