Thursday, November 24, 2011


I am thankful to God for all his Blessings and Mercies the last year.  You're provisions are always right on time.  Thank You Lord Jesus.

I am thankful to my wife Rhoda, for always being there, supporting me, and encouraging me.  I love you so much.  I am thankful for my children Larraine and Raphael Frenz.  Larraine for helping out with the chores, taking the time to study hard, and taking care of her brother.  Frenfren for being the boy he is, Both for being joyful, loving, and prayer warriors at such young ages.  I love you both so much.

I am thankful for my inner circle.  You know who you are.  You're also familia.  Always there to help me and Rhoda out.  No questions, just helping us.  Encouraging us to stay the course.  Helping us financially when everyone else refused.  I thank you so much for being a part of our lives.  So many names that we call each other: Pari', Mali', Prim, Chelu, Friend.  No matter what name, you are family.  I am thankful for my siblings who have helped me out.  I am grateful for all you've done.  You also provided so my kids will eat or receive medical care.  Thank you so much. 

I am thankful for Ann Marie and OSH Solutions for giving me the chance to become a Safety Instructor, giving me the opportunity to touch so many lives in our industry to share the knowledge that I've gained through so many safety courses.  Thank you so much. 

May God continue to Bless each one of you, who have been and continue to be a joy to me and Rhoda and our kids.  We thank you and love you all so much. 

I am thankful for my enemies.  You know who you all are.  You have given me the opportunity to become stronger in my Faith and relationship with my Lord Jesus Christ.  I am sorry for the confrontations that we've had.  I am sorry for being angry at each one of you.  I am thankful that our issues didn't escalate to what we both my later regret.  I am thankful for the lesson that I've learned in dealing with each one of you.  You gave me the opportunity to know how to deal with people just like you.  With all that said, I forgive each one of you.  I hope and pray you forgive me as well.