Sunday, November 20, 2011

Charlie Camera Challenge.

I was assigned do operate Charlie Camera this morning for the morning service celebration.  It has been over two years since I operated Charlie Camera, the old Bravo Cam.  I thought it would go okay. 

It didn't go so well, from the get go.  All my shots sucked.  I thought it would be like riding a bike...jumping back into that slot after being on Delta Camera for so long.  It was mistake after mistake:  too much headroom, tilt down, tilt up, can't keep up with the subject,  jerky movements, shots weren't framed, transition was not smooth. 

It was a major challenge.   It was really disappointing.  I would rather get treed by a boar, then to go through that experience again. 

I was never so happy to hear the words from the director, "Charlie, fade to black".  TV Camera talk for...shut down.

Going back to Delta Camera and staying there. 

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