Monday, September 19, 2011

Vacation Update: Winding Down towards the End of my trip.

There was supposed to be this big hoopla of a Transportation Strike here in CDO.  Doesn't seem much has happened.  I've looked out the gate of our house, even wandered outside, went shopping this evening for dinner, and there are still people driving around providing transportation services to the city.  I would call the strike a major FAIL.  I'm glad people here have there priorities straight.  The best protest is in the voting booth. 

Rhoda is cooking one of my favorite Filipino Dishes for dinner this evening.  She's making Pinakbet.  Earlier today she made Chocolate Shake which was really awesome. 

I'm trying to organize my thoughts to write my blogs.  That may have to wait until I get back home.  Quality Time is the priority here.  Two days left before I get on the plane on Wednesday afternoon. 

I've had a lot of Challenges before, and during this vacation trip.  Some were setbacks, one was a major kill joy for me and Rhoda.  But I never claimed it.  I'll post more on those challenges later.  I do thank the churches here and at home for praying for me.  Prayer really helps. 

I made a decision that I should have made a long time ago.  I've been skating around it, dodging it, and basically avoiding it.  I'll post about that later.  That's a blog in itself.  Some of you will know what I'm talking about. 

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