Thursday, September 8, 2011

Frenfren and Vacation Update.

On my second day of my vacation.  Should have been third...but that's another long story.  Anyway, just wanted to thank everyone who prayed for my son, Rafael Frenz (Frenfren).  He is doing good.  He was released from the hospital on Monday. And, has been running around since. 

My first day back...Frenfren didn't hesitate to come to me.  It was our first meeting together since he came to the family last April 2010.  He is a rough kid doing things that the big kids do.  He has some unique characteristics...which will change in the future.  I'm not pushing anything this trip.  It's amazing how he has already bonded to me since I've been here. 

Larraine, was excited to see me, bursting through our bedroom door, jumping on the bed hugging me.  She's definitely a daddy's girl.  We spent sometime together but Frenz is also vying for my attention.  So it's not that easy for her.  I did walk her to school yesterday.  My first time at this school.  It's a nice quaint school.  We walked around a bit.  I'm sure she's proudly showing me off to her classmates that her daddy is home.  The great thing about her school this week.  Her teacher went to Manila yesterday.  So Larraine has no classes until next Monday.  So we're here at the house spending time. 

Rhoda is happy I'm home.  We've discovered ways to be together when the kids are not in the room.  Adjusting our time with the kids is okay.  We're also trying to spend as much quality time together as we can.  Frenfren doesn't make it easy, but we do manage. 

I discovered that StarBucks is ripping us off on Guahan.  Yes, they are.  Mocha Frap here is only 155 Pesos on the Venti Size.  Some big disparity here and the prices on Guahan.  The next time I order a Mocha Frap on Guahan, I'm gonna pay the Philippine price. 

So everything is doing great here.  Great to be with Rhoda and the kids. My son is a handful.  I'm tired from just taking care of him today.  I should play my straitjacket game with him tomorrow.  He is a great kid, rough, wild, hyper active, but very sensitive, lovable, sweet, organize for a kid his age.  He's already corrected me twice. 

I'll keep y'all updated when I get time on the internet.  Will post pictures later. 


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