Saturday, September 24, 2011

Baker Wanted Apply Here

Saw this picture above on my way to Jollibee with my family after Sunday morning celebration in Cagayan De Oro to celebrate Larraine's 9th birthday. 

Apparently, the below pic is where the hired applicant will be working. 

Be Very Careful with what job you apply for.  Especially when the workplace looks like that in the above picture.  You better RUN!!!  ROFLOL!!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Vacation Update: Winding Down towards the End of my trip.

There was supposed to be this big hoopla of a Transportation Strike here in CDO.  Doesn't seem much has happened.  I've looked out the gate of our house, even wandered outside, went shopping this evening for dinner, and there are still people driving around providing transportation services to the city.  I would call the strike a major FAIL.  I'm glad people here have there priorities straight.  The best protest is in the voting booth. 

Rhoda is cooking one of my favorite Filipino Dishes for dinner this evening.  She's making Pinakbet.  Earlier today she made Chocolate Shake which was really awesome. 

I'm trying to organize my thoughts to write my blogs.  That may have to wait until I get back home.  Quality Time is the priority here.  Two days left before I get on the plane on Wednesday afternoon. 

I've had a lot of Challenges before, and during this vacation trip.  Some were setbacks, one was a major kill joy for me and Rhoda.  But I never claimed it.  I'll post more on those challenges later.  I do thank the churches here and at home for praying for me.  Prayer really helps. 

I made a decision that I should have made a long time ago.  I've been skating around it, dodging it, and basically avoiding it.  I'll post about that later.  That's a blog in itself.  Some of you will know what I'm talking about. 

What Transportation Strike?! I see a lot of people providing a much needed service earning an income.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Vacation Update: Going around the city.

Vacation is doing great.  Everything is okay here in Cagayan De Oro.  I've been busy with my son, Frenz (Frenfren) all most everyday.  In the morning I walk Larraine to school.  It's not that far, maybe 1/2 mile from the house.  Then it's watching the boy the rest of the day. 

I'm learning his language.  I thought he was saying big gallon, for water.  He was actually saying, big lang...short for tubig nalang, which means, Just Water.  Frenz discovered the joy of Hershey's chocolates.  Which he didn't know before I brought a couple of party bags as pasalubong for the family here.  He ignored the bags when I first unpacked them last Tuesday.  The first time he tasted it.  He was saying, lami.  Which means delicious.  Now he constantly demands Chockoi...Chocolates.  

Larraine has grown up to a beautiful young lady.  She's smart, helpful with her brother.  I'm trying to spend as much time with her before I leave next week.  It's not easy with Frenfren vying for my attention.  But  she is wonderfully patient waiting her time for me. 

We did so much today going around the city.  Seeing my optalmologist today.  One of the best here in the Philippines.  He told me I didn't need surgery on my lazy eye.  I just have to go see a neurologist.  Doctors on Guam wanted me to have the surgery.  Good thing I came to the Philippines. 

Was able to go to Jollibee, Chow King, and Greenwich restaurants today and yesterday.  Three of my favorite restaurants here in CDO.  And now the new Starbucks at Lem Ket Kai Mall because of their cheap prices. 

Will try to post more about my trip...


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Having a Blast in CDO!

Frenfren and Vacation Update.

On my second day of my vacation.  Should have been third...but that's another long story.  Anyway, just wanted to thank everyone who prayed for my son, Rafael Frenz (Frenfren).  He is doing good.  He was released from the hospital on Monday. And, has been running around since. 

My first day back...Frenfren didn't hesitate to come to me.  It was our first meeting together since he came to the family last April 2010.  He is a rough kid doing things that the big kids do.  He has some unique characteristics...which will change in the future.  I'm not pushing anything this trip.  It's amazing how he has already bonded to me since I've been here. 

Larraine, was excited to see me, bursting through our bedroom door, jumping on the bed hugging me.  She's definitely a daddy's girl.  We spent sometime together but Frenz is also vying for my attention.  So it's not that easy for her.  I did walk her to school yesterday.  My first time at this school.  It's a nice quaint school.  We walked around a bit.  I'm sure she's proudly showing me off to her classmates that her daddy is home.  The great thing about her school this week.  Her teacher went to Manila yesterday.  So Larraine has no classes until next Monday.  So we're here at the house spending time. 

Rhoda is happy I'm home.  We've discovered ways to be together when the kids are not in the room.  Adjusting our time with the kids is okay.  We're also trying to spend as much quality time together as we can.  Frenfren doesn't make it easy, but we do manage. 

I discovered that StarBucks is ripping us off on Guahan.  Yes, they are.  Mocha Frap here is only 155 Pesos on the Venti Size.  Some big disparity here and the prices on Guahan.  The next time I order a Mocha Frap on Guahan, I'm gonna pay the Philippine price. 

So everything is doing great here.  Great to be with Rhoda and the kids. My son is a handful.  I'm tired from just taking care of him today.  I should play my straitjacket game with him tomorrow.  He is a great kid, rough, wild, hyper active, but very sensitive, lovable, sweet, organize for a kid his age.  He's already corrected me twice. 

I'll keep y'all updated when I get time on the internet.  Will post pictures later. 


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Packing for the trip.

You'd think with all the traveling that I've done.  That Packing would be a breeze.  Now, I'm waiting for clothes to dry in the dryer.  Have to keep my bags under 50 lbs. each.  I went from deciding to bring 4 bags ( 2 bags/2 boxes) to just 2 bags.  I'll have ship the 2 boxes via LBC when I get back.  The extra bag and boxes will cost me over $200.  I'm only allowed 1 check-in, 1 carry on, 1 laptop, 1 personal bag.  Bringing my laptop just in case those two clients decide to finally do some safety training over there.  If not, at least, I'll be able to work on my slide presentations when things slow down.   I doubt that.  I'm pretty sure Rhoda or Larraine will use my laptop. 

While I'm waiting for the clothes to dry...gonna check on the rabbitry and do some rearranging. 


35 Hours

Another reason for my excitement is my countdown to seeing my family again in Cagayan De Oro City tomorrow.  Yes, it will be tomorrow, as it is now Sunday.  So in a little over 35 hours, I will be in the Lumba airport making my way down to Cagayan De Oro City. 

I would like to go on another white water adventure.  Take on the advance course someday.  Unfortunately, it will not be on this trip.  Hopefully, on another trip around Christmas or even next year. 

This trip is for my family.  It's been to long without Rhoda.  We have a lot of catching up to do.  Spending time with my Neni Girl, Larraine.  Walking with her to school to drop her off and waiting for her at the school gate to pick her up.  Meeting my son, Raphael Frenz, who Rhoda and I adopted, for the first time.  Since, Frenz joined our family last April 2010.  It'll be fun getting to know him and wrestling with him. 

Larraine has already claimed my time to take her to the park with her brother, after school each day.  Plus a pool trip for her birthday. 

Rhoda and I will have to be discreet with our quality time together.  We'll figure something out.  Maybe kicking the kids out of our room and having them sleep in their room for awhile.  I can hear them now, knocking on our door to let them back into our room.  It looks like Rhoda and I will have to have another honeymoon. 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Knocking out the 40-hour.

I've been excited this whole week.  This is my first time participating in the USACE EM 385-1-1 NAVFAC 40-hour Safety Course as 1 of 5 instructors.  It was awesome.  Team teaching with my safety instructor was great.  What was even surreal was when he asked me to take over his topics because he has another class, CPR/First Aid/AED, to teach today. 

I really enjoy being an Independent Safety Instructor for OSH Solutions-Guam.  Working with the other OSH Safety Instructors is always a learning experience and fun too.  I get a long with everyone. 

I'm really proud of 3 GTTP Safety Students; Melanie, Chris, and Cliff in the class.  They jumped at the opportunity to take the 40-hour this session.  I was in their shoes only a few months ago.  We were even classmates together in some NCCER Safety courses and OSHA courses.  Now, I'm one of their instructors.  They listened to the advice I gave them.  The same advice Samoan Joe gave me months ago when I decided to make Safety my career. 

Although, I won't be able to finish the class with the current students taking the 40-hour this session.  I will be seeing them all again in other trainings.