Friday, January 14, 2011

Safety Classes and Career Field

I started my Construction Core Curriculum classes at GCA Trades Academy last October 2010.  At first, I was going to take the classes part-time, only at night.  While I worked during the day.  After talking with other students at the Trades Academy, it was in my best interest, as well as my family's interest, to go full-time aggressively and finish early. 

I finished my Core Classes this past December, after Christmas, on the 27th.  I  started taking my first Craft Class in November, Safety Technician.  I'll be taking the exam tomorrow.  Then I move into Field Safety the next Saturday.  Which is actually supposed to be the first course before Safety Technician. 

Since the New Year, last Friday, I've taken the Electrical Safety Workshop.  I just finished up on OSHA 511 Industrial Safety, this past Thursday.  I'm practically cruising in the Safety program at the academy.  It feels really go to be finishing way ahead of schedule. 

I'm currently looking at several Safety Certification Associations to decide who I want to be certified with.  There's a lot out there.  Here's some that I've been seriously looking at:

  1. Board of Certified Safety Professionals 
  2. National Association of Safety Professionals
  3. American Society of Safety Engineers
  4. World Safety Organization

All offer some really good benefits.  The only real difference are the cost of the exams.  It's no rush for me to join.  I can wait after I finish with the Field Safety Course.  I've been fiddling with my career goals in the Safety Field.  How high I want to get in this industry is really up to me.  Here's a list of safety careers in the Construction Industry:
  • Safety Technician (lowest)
  • Certified Safety Technician
  • Certified Health and Safety Technician
  • Certified Hazmat Safety Technician
  • Certified Safety Specialist
  • Certified Safety Manager
  • Certified Safety Instructor
  • Certified Safety Professional/Executive (highest)
There are other career titles depending on the actual industry it's in.  Some titles are different but closely related depending on the certifying body.  I still have to decide on that.  I am leaning towards the World Safety Organization.  I'll keep the decision on the back burner for awhile.  I am also considering specializing in Electrical Safety, since I came from the Electrical Field. 

My ultimate goal would be to become an OSHA Enforcement Officer.