Sunday, January 9, 2011

By the Grace of God.

Saturday after class, I learned that Rhoda and Larraine returned to Butuan City that early morning.  I had no idea that they were going.  It was a spontaneous event.  I was not comfortable with was going on.  It wasn't that Rhoda failed to inform me of this situation.  I just felt uncomfortable with it.  My spirit was not easy with this.  It was restless.  I was exhausted from class that morning.  So I decided to take a nap to refresh myself. It was 1430 when I hit my bed.

At 1745, I woke up with a very heavy feeling that something was wrong.  My son Frenz was constantly in my mind.  I immediately went to the computer and browsed for messages on messenger or facebook.  There were no messages from my inquiry to Rhoda on why she went back to Butuan City.  So I sent messages asking her to respond immediately.  No replies, so I went back to my bedroom and prayed that my family be kept safe. 

About 2200, I got word from Rhoda via messenger that her family was in a traumatic accident, approximately after 5 pm, their time.  Guam is two hours ahead of the Philippines.  She explained that her auntie from Sweden wanted her and Larraine at the family's last reunion event before she went back to Sweden with her family.  Everything was fine at the beach, west of Butuan City.  It was going home that the group got into a near catastrophic accident.  The first vehicle in the family convoy had departed the beach.  Rhoda's family and other clan member fitted in the 2nd Jeepney.  While Rhoda and Larraine were in the last vehicle, a van.  Frenz was in the Jeepney with other relatives.  Now for those who have been to the Philippines, you know how they pack those things like sardines.  Sometimes, you see people riding on the top, surfing the road. 

As the 2nd and 3rd vehicles full of family members departed the beach area.  They had to traverse a road that ran along a cliff.  For some reason, the Jeepney ran off the road down the cliff to be stopped by a small tree.  It was that tree, by God's grace, that saved Rhoda's family.  Her whole clan was in that Jeepney, along with our son, Frenz. 

Rhoda took control of the situation.  She told Larraine to stay in the van.  Then started to help her family members providing first aid, and treating for shock.  Fortunately there were no critical injuries.  Rhoda's mom, aunt, and sister sustained most of the injuries; possible fractures, and torn ligaments.  All the children were safe and in good condition, including Frenfren.  Rhoda's cousin is also a nurse, but she was in the first vehicle that departed the beach and they didn't know what happened.  Rhoda had to take care of everybody.  They managed to get another Jeepney to transport the injured to the hospital. 

After my conversation with Rhoda this afternoon, her sister, Rizza, has been admitted into the hospital for a possible fractured pelvis last night.  The family will not know the actual diagnosis until Monday, when the doctors return to duty.  Rhoda's aunt also was injured but decided to go home, but will return to the hospital on Monday.  She has a possible fracture to her arm.  Rhoda's mom, "Mamang" injured her back trying to keep Frenz safe from injury.  Rizza was trying to keep Larraine's eldest brother, Shem, safe from injury as well. 

Rhoda explained that the area where they had the accident is very dangerous.  Vehicles that go over the cliff always have fatalities.  It was that small tree that prevented the Jeepney, that the family was riding in, from going completely over. 

Upon reflection, I believe it was Divine Intervention that Rhoda was supposed to be there, at that exact moment.  I don't believe in coincidences.  I also believed that prayer saved my family. 

PTL <><

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