Saturday, January 29, 2011

Parrots Are Really Annoying!

I don't like parrots.  No, I'm not talking about the exotic birds.  Those I like. 

Confused?  Parrots are people who like to repeat things that they've heard other people say or what they've read.  They like to hear their own voices, not allowing others to speak.  When someone tries to break into the conversation or reply to one of the parrots comment.  The parrots raise their voices to be heard or reiterates what they've just said.  I'm thinking..."Yo, why you raising your voice? Or, you just said that". 

In a classroom setting, it's really annoying.  Who are they trying to impress?  Not me, that's for sure.  It's wasting my time trying to get valuable instruction from the instructor.  Many times, the parrots comments don't relate to the subject or topic at hand.  I'm sitting there thinking, "WTH"! 

IMHO, if the parrot has no actual first hand experience of the topic or subject.  They need to learn to listen and keep quiet.  Listen to those who have experience in the field, especially when the parrot has no experience in actual construction work.  That parrot will learn more.  They also need to stop asking a question that was already answered in class, especially when the instructor rephrased the question and answer a couple of times.  I'm like, "We just answered that.  Pay attention!".  Out of respect for the instructor, I kept my mouth shut. 

Another peeve I have against parrots is when they dismiss other people's comments or opinions as irrelevant .  Or, when they change the subject to an ongoing conversation because they have nothing to add that is relevant to the topic. 

That's one reason why I'll test out of my Field Safety Class next Saturday.  Having one parrot in the class, I can tolerate.  But finding out that there will be another parrot in the class.  Forget that.  I have better use of my time.  And, my time is valuable. 


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