Thursday, November 25, 2010

TSA and National Opt-out Day.

National Opt-Out Day was to take effect in the U.S. mainland today.  It was a bust.  What a joke!  Travelers, especially seasoned travelers, won't risk their flights to make a point.  It's to much invested time and money to take a risk like that. 

I've traveled so much during my time in the military.  Every chance I get, I'll catch a flight to anywhere in the U.S.A or in Europe to see the region. Why in the world would I risk my flight for a moronic move like opt-out day.  Even now when I fly back and forth to the Philippines.  I will not risk my flight and miss seeing my family. 

Yes, it seems that TSA dumped this whole scanner and invasive pat down on the traveling public.  You can't blame the TSA agents doing the work.  It's their management.  But, also on the other hand, some of those agents really have to use some common sense. 

With today's technology.  Any inappropriate pat down will become viral on the internet.  Soldiers coming back from Afghanistan shouldn't be held up for a nail clipper.  Especially when that soldier and many behind him are carrying rifles, pistols, and/or bayonets.  A rifle is just as deadly without bullets.  Try being on a receiving end on a butt-stroke to the head. 

Toddlers, elderly, or disabled getting patted down is above the norm.  Most terrorists are middle eastern and males.  TSA needs to start profiling. 

There needs to be a compromise between security and common sense. 


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