Sunday, November 28, 2010

Attending Classes, While Ranching

It's been a long while since I've actually blogged.  Not having a computer is challenging and stressful.  Especially, when I'm dependent on using the internet as my primary means of communication between my wife and I.  Skype and Yahoo are really cheap compared to the phone cards that I've been using.   Since my primary PC went down due to a blown power module. 

I'm still not out of the woods, yet.  I'm temporarily using a used PC tower for the mean time.  I need to start saving to invest in a new tower in the next couple of months.   

Since, I last blogged in June.  I'm no longer with the construction company that I was working with.  I resigned.  I have moved forward going back to school at the Trades Academy taking Safety courses to become a Safety Officer.  I started taking my first safety class this past Saturday.  Safety Technology is normally the second course to take when I start the skills portion of my course schedule.  But there happened to be a mix-up with the class scheduling.  I was supposed to take Field Safety, first, then Safety Technology.  It's okay.  I'll just back track after I complete Safety Technology. 

I'm all most done with my Core Requirements at the Trades Academy.  I just passed my Material's Handling exam on Saturday.  I have a Basic Rigging exam on Wednesday.  I'll have to take time off my Organic Inspector Class at the University to take the exam.  Which will not be hard.  It's all basic anyway.  Been through that already.  To bad, they don't give us the opportunity to test out at the beginning of the class. 

I'll be taking the Organic Inspector Course at the University of Guam this week.  It's been planned for a while.  I've already invested a lot of time in researching the opportunity and committed to the seminar before I started attending the Guam Trades Academy.  It's funny though.  I was the first one to sign up for the course a couple of months ago.  Yet, I was the last one to receive the packet.  Two days before the pre-course assignments were due to the instructor via email.  That was a lot of reading in a very short amount of time.  I completed most of the assignments except for the last one.  I had trouble accessing the website. 

Yeah, I know what you're thinking.  Classes for Safety Officer, Organic Inspector...How about my ranch?  I'm still working on it.  Well, working on what's left of it.  Since I began working construction in March.  The ranch started falling to the wayside.  Trying to do ranch work after I've been working construction the whole day is not easy.  Especially, when a lot of the work is manual labor.  But, now that's behind me.  I'm working on the ranch on days that I don't have classes or before going to class.  It's challenging.  But, a whole lot better than working construction.  At least, I can pace myself with my ranch work. 

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