Thursday, November 18, 2010

Talk About Timing.

I got my computer tower back this evening.  It's working alright. I wouldn't be posting this if I didn't get it back today.  I'm sorry if you sent me emails or messages since I was last online.  I had to dump over 5000 emails on both my accounts to clean out my inboxes. Sorry about that.

As I've posted in my earlier post.  I'm a full time student at the Guam Trades Academy.  I'm taking the Construction Safety Officer course there.  I'm currently working on my Core Subjects than moving over to my skill courses soon thereafter.  I should be finished up with my core subjects by January 2011.  I'm doubling up my courses to finish faster. 

Starting in January 2011, I'll be  back at the University of Guam as a full time student.  I'm going to finish up my degree in Tropical Agriculture, emphasis in Animal Science.  I only have a year and a half left to get my degree.  Might as well do it and get it over with.  I've been on the long term graduation plan for way to long now. 

I'm also waiting for the upgrade to my VA disability rating.  I'm really surprised on the new pension rates for 2011.  It's about all I can say.  I'm glad that were finally getting what we deserve, after what we did during our time in service for our country.  I'm hoping the VA finds my paperwork that was misplaced in Seattle.  Had to do all my physical evaluations out here on the island, again.  But, it's finally looking better.

I'm not working for IAN's Construction anymore.  I resigned last October.  I got tired of being placed on Standby, one to many times.  There were to many reasons to leave.  Main reason was lack of leadership, or none at all.  Other reason was trying to work a major project with lack of materials or equipments.  Then the boss ask why we're not on schedule.  Poor planning on managements part.  To bad, we don't have a Construction Union on Guam. 

I'll be posting more.  I've been writing a journal again since I wasn't able to post blogs. 


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