Thursday, June 3, 2010

Ranch Log: Getting back into the Ranching Lifestyle, not that it ever left.

Posted a couple of cherry attempts at video blogging aka vlogs.  It's not easy as I thought.  Camera is okay, not top of the line type.  But it'll do for now.  I still prefer writing.  It's a lot easier to back space to delete.  Than to figure out how to erase or start over on the video camera. 

I finally got the tarp up to the ranch shack.  Which is now located behind the house.  It's a lot bigger than I thought it was.  I'll take a video shot of it after I'm done cleaning under and around it.  At least I have some shade to work in, out of the sun. 

The heat has been unbearable the last couple of days.  I am now praying daily for rain.  My ranch is turning brown and fruits are drying up on the branches.  I love the sun and heat.  But this is unbearable.  I shower at least 3 times daily, jump in to cool off and out again to work.  I should build an outside shower and just wear quick dries as I work the ranch.  Whenever I get hot, just jump in and cool down. 

The goat kids are getting bold.  They've walked into the house through the back door numerous times.  Mom thinks it's funny.  I don't.  Hercules knows when I actually feed the poultry.  So he comes over and waits until I open the feed bin to get feed out.  Then he tries to force his muzzle into whatever I have that is carrying the feed.  Alinnah, Larraine's goat, is still shy with me.  But now comes close, especially when I have feed in the bucket. 

The Guinea Keets are feathering out nicely.  They are approximately 3 weeks old.  Soon they'll be molting their feathers again to the beautiful pearl design.  I heard 3 females so far in that brood.  That is great news to me.  I'll have a bunch of new eggs next season to grow my flock. 

Kyle loves to catch chicks.  He has a black one in a box.  Soon that will grow to big to be kept in there.  He still wants to buy or catch more poultry chicks. I'm glad he's active though.  I just need to dial down his enthusiasm a bit.  I need him to start thinking, "Safety First" when  working or playing in or around the ranch.  Other than that, he's a good ranch hand. 

I have so much ripe mango in the kitchen, refrigerator, and freezer.  I'm going to have to start cutting them up and making bunelos manga (mango doughnuts) and or cake.   Lots to do in the next couple of days. 

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