Monday, June 7, 2010

Organic Certification Seminar

Woke up about 0300 to cold wind coming through the window.  It was hot before that.  So the sudden drop in temperature had me scrambling to find my blanket.  It didn't help with the fan blowing directly at me.  But I was too tired to get up to turn the fan away.  Anyway, I can't sleep without feeling any type of breeze. 

Got back up at 0600, at breakfast and got ready to go to the Organic Certification Training being held at the University of Guam Business College.  I was given the wrong information and was waiting at the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences building.  It's a good thing I got word of the correct location and headed over to the Business College. 

We covered the National Regulations covering organic farming.  It's not hard to read, just boring with all the legalese.  You know the saying, "There is no such thing as a stupid question".  Who ever said that, probably never heard a stupid question.  It's amazing the people asking the instructor "What if" scenarios.   I think it's just plain laziness on their part not to read the materials given to them.  But, a couple of people busted that 'no stupid question" myth today.  Amazing, and they have college degrees.  Sometimes, I wonder if they're asking questions because they have a legitimate question or just for star points. 

Anyway, the organizers broke up the class into 7 groups.  I was placed in Group 2, and our group was to solve solutions for team exercises that the instructor prepared for us.  There are 7 in my group.  It was 6 before lunch.  But a new participant flew in from Luta and came into class after lunch.  So he joined my group.  Roland Q. is the team leader for Group 2.  He was unceremoniously volunteered by the rest of us. 

I like the interaction the organizers provided by placing us into working groups.  A lot better than sitting there going through an 8 hour lecture on organic regulations.  I would have been bored. 

The temperature in the classroom was uncomfortably warm.  The AC was running but we were not getting enough air.  The smell of brewing coffee and rise in temperature was making me sleepy.  I know I drank liters of water just to keep myself awake.  The dry air was also affecting my throat, making it dry and itchy. 

This is a four day course, ending on Thursday.  I didn't realize it was all day, until I got my books this morning.  When I was talking to Ann.  I thought it ended at 12.  All this organic training will help local farmers get ready to prepare to transition their farms from conventional farming to organic farming.  I'm interested in becoming one of the first group of many local Certified Organic Inspectors on the island.  I know the testing for that is sometime in August.

Keep Smiling

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