Saturday, June 19, 2010

Rafael Frenz

Rafael was admitted into the hospital yesterday.  He had a high fever of 104.  But today, it's down a bit.  His doctor suspects that he has some type of abdominal infection.  So they did some tests.  Rhoda is waiting for the tests results to return and talk with the doctor. 

Rafael, Fren or Frenfren, as the family calls him, is a very active happy baby.  He easily tires out his mommy and big sister.  He's at the stage where he can crawl really fast, stand with assistance, climb, and knock things down.  He knows how to say, mama, papa, and Daddy.  Rhoda and Larraine were surprised when he said, "Daddy", a couple of days ago.  So now they're working on the word, Mommy. 

Fren loves to eat.  He loves rice, hard steamed rice, not soupy or wet rice.  Since he started staying with us in CDO.  He's been drinking lots of milk.  He loves ripe mango too.  He is an explorer, likes to get into everything.  He likes to play with his sister and mommy.  According to Rhoda, he is very smart for his age. 

Fren is also teething.  I guess that was one of the reasons why he's cranky and crying.  The cure for that is ice cold ice candy.  Let him suck on it to cool down his mouth and numb his gums. 

My mom told me to tell Rhoda to have Fren drink Guava Tea.  It's an old family herbal remedy that helps with abdominal ailments.  It does work.  I should have thought of that in the first place.  Hopefully, it will help him.  I know it's helped many in our family. 

Keep my boy in your prayers.