Friday, June 4, 2010

Moving Forward for Something Better.

Woke up today at 0600.  I had a restless night, waking every now and then, then falling back to sleep.  I looked at the clock and decided to sleep in a bit.  No, need to rush to get ready.  Had no work to go too.   Yep, I got laid off again.  Or, placed on standby as the boss calls it.  I doubt if I want to go back anyway. 

At 0800, I finally got out of bed, went and got cleaned up.  Then out to breakfast, which consisted of a hot glass of Lemon flavored Vita Plus, 2 over hard eggs with bread, and fresh ripe mango.  The morning air was warm.  Not one bit of cool in it.  I went out to the back and moved the goats south in the jungle.  So they won't be in the sun during the heat of the day.  I really miss working on the ranch.  These weekend ranch work doesn't cover what I want to do. 

By 1100, I was back in the shower getting ready to head out to my VA appointments this afternoon.  I have two scheduled today, back to back.  The first one was at 1300 with Trish, my social worker.  It's good talking to her on a monthly basis.  We talked about the family and work, and other issues that maybe affecting me.  Same hot issues as before, but I'm learning to work with it.  Rhoda is happy with the changes and new skills I've learned to use and cope with anger issues.  Kind of funny, how pastor preached about, Anger, a couple of weeks ago. 

At 1400, I was out the door and heading into my next appointment with my primary care doctor.  Dr. L.G. went into private practice.  So now, I've been assigned to Dr. Head.  I only saw her once before, when I had the spider bite on my leg last year.  She's alright.  She listens and encourages me to try different things to cope with my chronic painful injuries.  Today, though was my annual checkup.  So lots of questions was asked.   I have many answers.

Doc:  Do you smoke?

Me:  No.

Doc:  Do you drink?

Me:  Everyday...then I laughed...because I knew what she meant.  Yes, Doc....only once in a blue moon, maybe 2 or 3 cans. 

Doc:  How's the pain?

Me:  The usual...Painful.

Doc:  Why are you taking so-so pill?

Me:  Anger issues.

Doc:  You don't sound like you have anger issues.

Me:  Thanks doc.  But other people think I do.  I thought I was being normal.

Then we started talking about my kids and Rhoda in the Philippines.  What they're doing and how they are doing?  How are things here at home and there?  I tried to answer honestly.  I think. 

Looking at my medical history.  Doc congratulated me on losing lots of weight, to keep it up, and take it slow.  I mentioned it wasn't easy.  But I'm doing it for my family.  Hard to believe that I lost more than 50 lbs.  I have to give credit to God though.  If it wasn't for Him, I would have never been able to get through Crossfit, Ranching, and Construction work. 

It was good finally meeting with my primary care doc.  My last check up was two years ago.  That was long.  I have several up coming appointments with a hand specialist and nerve specialist, and the dermatologist later...when they call me for my appointment.  I may have carpal tunnel.  If I do, it may require surgery on both hands.  Looks like my construction days are coming to an end, really fast. 

After leaving the VA Clinic, I went to HomeDepot and did some I wish shopping for a while.  I went from the far right of the building where they had the ladders, down every aisle, and into the garden section on the left side of the building.  Lots of things I want to get for the house and ranch.  Taya Salape (No Money).  I did buy some bar and chain oil, and 2 cycle engine mix for the chainsaw.  I'll do some timber work this weekend, after the fiesta at St. Paul-North Compound. 

I went to the shop, to see if my check was ready.  I didn't say anything to the boss and GM as I walked in.  Just went to talk with Rita, who told me, the checks weren't ready for another 45 minutes.  I went back outside and talked with Roque and Rick.  Roque asked me if I was off.  I told him that I was for the last 3 days.  He told me to not hang around here.  Go look for another job.  I kind of gave him the nod that I was.  I found out through talking with Roque earlier this week.  That he's my primo (cousin) from the Pedan side of the familia.  When Marie, the payroll clerk, came back.  That's when the checks were issued.  I didn't say goodbye to the guys.  I guess they'll figure it out when I don't show up anymore.  They're a great crew to work with. 

I was referred to a hospice company to work as a Caregiver.  I'll check that job out on Monday.  I was told they actually pay more than what I was getting at the Construction Company.  More money is good news to me and my family. 

Roque told me to check out Core Tech and Nippo Construction.  Both companies are hiring.  I'll do that too, on Monday.  I'm not sure if I want to go back to construction.  But I'll apply just to be safe.  Have to keep all options open. 

Have a great weekend Y'all.

Keep Smiling

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