Sunday, March 18, 2012

All in a Week's Work.

Been pretty busy last week and this weekend.  That's a good thing.  I was teaching the Construction Safety Awareness Course for Contractors, with 5 other Instructors last week.  That was a fun course.  We had great interaction with the students.  I really enjoy the interaction time between me and the students.  It tells me that the students are interested in the course and ask questions relevant to the topic being taught, and that they are concerned about the Safety Program in their companies.  It was also great that the OSH Solution's instructor cadre came out to teach this course.  I always learn something new from the students themselves or the other instructors.  I'm looking forward to the next course. 

I was really busy on Saturday.  I helped out with prepping a single topic safety course for a local construction company here on island.  The instructor did pretty well delivering his course main points.  The students all passed.  But it was in the beginning when I overheard one of the students as the instructor if there was any openings with his company.  I literally laughed out loud.  I don't think the guy was joking.  But he said this right in front of his Safety Manager.  I was like..."Dude, you're crazy!". 

After that safety course was done, my niece, Arissa and I went and did some needed errands.  Then I dropped her to her soccer game.  I went over next door to the swimming pool to see my godson/nephew, Joe and his 1 year old daughter, my grandniece.  The family was celebrating her first birthday.  It was great to see them. 

When that was done, We booked it home.  I went over next door and started helping out with the renovations.  I only got a few hours of work I told my friend, that I will commit the next day to him, to help get his house inspection ready for the realtor's inspection in a couple of days. 

Today of all days, I was across the street helping my friend get his house ready for inspection.  We've been renovating his house for a couple of weeks already.  We did a lot of work.  But there is still so much to do.  Most of it is done on weekends, since that is when most of boys are free.  I have to make time tomorrow to fix an electrical issue.  We've been working all day.   Arissa was helping out painting.  We had to prep our ranch area first before going over to  make room for some cages and large tin to store and later use.  So we cut down some trees and open a temporary path for the cages and tin to come in from across the roadway.  After everything was brought into my ranch.  I closed up that temporary opening.  What a difference the work makes to see the improvements on the house and backyard. 

The former caretaker came by yesterday to lay claim on some items.  He made a comment to me that the place looks nice now compared to before.  I had to bite my tongue to keep from replying.  But in my head, I said to myself, "It was cleaner before you took over".  He didn't do a thing to maintain the front and backyards.  He neglected the work.  Out of respect for Greg and his dad, I kept quiet and walked away. 

Have to finish working on my power point slides for Fall Protection.  Teaching this week.  Looking forward to this training. 

Keep Smiling  

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