Thursday, August 25, 2011

Overflowing Blessings

A couple of tropical storms have passed by dumping lots of rain on the island the last couple of weeks.  This week we have a typhoon forming North West of the island.  It was fun a couple of days ago checking the ranch and feeding the animals in the Thunder Storm with Lighting flashing overhead.  I really enjoy playing in the rain. 

I've been really busy with all the Safety Trainings coming into OSH Solutions-Guam.  Lots of training opportunities coming down the pipe.  I never realized that I would be this busy in the Safety Field,  And, yet, still have time for myself and the ranch. 

I was interviewed last week with a company based in the mainland and doing work out here.  The job that they advertised for was a Site Safety Health Officer position.  Yet, when I went into the interview.  The position sounds more like a Safety Manager position.  I was flattered with the offer they presented me after I left the interview.  I didn't lay down any numbers during the interview.  I was very vague on what I wanted.  Approximately 30 minutes after I left, the interviewer called and made me an offer.  All I said was that it sounded great and I'll think about it.  Even the perks sounded really good. 

It's amazing!  This time last year, I was making $8/hour on a 4 month long, 10 hour a day project.  It's a good thing the license to my shovel and lineman pliers expired last year, after leaving that company.  Since I started working as an Independent Safety Instructor.  Making a little over seven times what I used to be earning is mind boggling to me. 

Now, this mainland company, one of five that have shown an interest in me as a safety officer, is offering me five times what I am earning as a safety instructor, plus perks and benefits.  The first four companies didn't even meet my triggers.  The last company surpassed all my triggers and offered more.  It's so funny! 

Yet, the opportunities are still coming. 

One of my Safety Instructors and now a colleague, known locally in the Construction Safety Field on island as "Samoan Joe", advised me to do certain things.  I followed his advise to the letter.  Look where I'm at now. 

It's so funny to be teaching former safety classmates. Who were sitting next to me in class, only four to nine months ago.  Now they're asking me for advise.  I tell them exactly what Samoan Joe and the other Safety Instructors told me.  It's up to them to apply it. 

The other secret...well it's no secret at having a relationship with Jesus Christ, reading the Word of God, Believing in His promises to us, and praying.   I am so glad to be part of a church that literally prays. 

As for the opportunities that are coming.  Whatever God decides for me and my family.  I will be happy. 

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