Friday, August 5, 2011

Opportunities, A Challenge and More Blessings.

Hyena's Den

I had the opportunity to sit in a room of liberals a couple of days ago.  I was really surprised because I thought they were conservatives.  Talk about an eye opener.  It's a good thing that I keep my Libertarian Conservative Opinions to myself when I'm in meetings.  I've never heard so much vitriol against the Tea Party.  Really hard to believe that this group of people are liberals.  I have liberal friends and they don't spew that type of venomous hatred that came out during that meeting. 

On-going Projects, New Opportunities

On a good note, I am glad that I am busy; busy with providing instruction on my safety courses that I am assigned; busy with my ranch; and busy with Church.  This year is definitely a good year.  The risk Rhoda and I took last year is paying off. 

Not many classmates in my safety classes realized that I resigned from my job to go to classes full-time.  Rhoda and I talked about it and we agreed it's the best move for our family.  It was not easy.  We sacrificed a lot for me to attend the required Safety Courses.  So I can finish faster than what was normally accepted.  It's all paying off now. 

On the ranch, I did some work cleaning around.  Still a lot needs to get done.  I'll be investing in goats again towards the end of the year, along with some cattle.  A new flock of ducks and egg-laying chickens, and a flock of meat chickens to add to the ranch.  Working on the new ranch plan.  Transitioning into an Official Organic Ranch will be exciting. 

I don't like wasting fuel on mowing grass, except around the house.  I just don't see the need in the actual ranch area itself, especially when goats can do that. 

I'm glad for the new opportunities coming down the pipe.  The company I'm instructing for, just scored a major contract.  Can't say what it is yet, until the announcement in October.   But it's a big coup for us.  I'm so glad for this new opportunity. 

God is Awesome for all He the opportunities He provides for us.  Amazing! 

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