Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Blaming Uniform Wear is Aburd.

The following article is my reply to PDN's GuamGrandfather/MV's GrandpaGuam.  This individual goes around on the media forums blasting his manta regarding uniform wear in our public schools. 

Here is a copy of what he stated on the PDN a couple of days ago: 


3:37 AM on August 30, 2011

The photos do not look like a school. Not even a third-rate, third-world school. They look like they were taken in a prison yard somewhere.


10:02 AM on August 31, 2011

The vandalism and burglaries of our schools are done by students and former students. They are acts of hate as normal robberies do not involve vandalism. To end this strange war against our schools we need to treat students like human beings. We need to end the penal and punitive atmosphere created by harsh school policies and treat students like individuals. Number one on this list would be to end the hateful mandatory school uniform policy. It makes no sense to force hundreds of students in overcrowded schools to dress the same. The lesson learned is "you must be punished if you are different" and this serves as a role model for bullies on campus. It also creates resentment among those who wish to be recognized as unique individuals of worth. Guam is paying the price for turning our schools into harsh conformity factories characteristic of third-world, non-democratic societies around the world. Treat the children like criminals in a prison and many of them will act just like criminals in a prison. How hard is this to understand?

My reply: 

It's great to see JFK students enjoying their new campus. They waited a long time to get back there. It is unfortunate that certain posters want to take this community event and turn it into their personal attack on the school's uniform policy and attacking the 2400 students there, calling them prisoners.

GuamGrandfather/GrandpaGuam is assuming that students who wear uniforms to school become deviants. He also states that students are punished for not wearing uniforms. In other posts, in other forums, he states that uniforms cause students to become bullies. Here, he calls them prisoners and vandals. He also stated that he supports students wearing uniforms if the parents chose for them to wear uniforms. Yet, he continues to contradict himself in every post he submits to various forums. So what is the issue? If the parents made the choice, or the students themselves made the choice. Why denigrate them for making that choice?

He blames the institution as the cause for students to become deviants. It is as if a piece of cloth will automatically change a person. He seems to forget that prior to uniforms being implemented , schools already had bullies and vandals. There were bullies and vandals back then. There are bullies and vandals now. What has changed except for the uniform policy and overpopulation of our schools?

GuamGrandfather/GrandpaGuam can continue with his opinion. However, I do have a new theory to why we more bullies and vandals in our school system. I believe this theory is more logical than the uniform wearing theory.

I believe it's HOMEWORK that causes students to become deviants. They are overloaded with so much homework. The mental stress is to much for many of them. And when a student doesn't do their homework. They are punished with a count against their grades. So lets stop all Homework to all our students. What say you?

To place blame on an inanimate item, such as a uniform, or the institution itself is absurd.

End of Post.

of course I am being sarcastic with my "new theory".  This individual is a former DOE teacher at F.B. Leon Guerrero Middle School.  He's been ranting against uniform wear since the school first implemented it over 10 years ago.  I used to just ignore his posts. But this year, I've been debating him on the issue on both the Marianas Variety and Pacific Daily News forums.  To argue your point of view is one thing.  But to attack the students and parents who choose to support the uniform wear is another thing. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Pinakbet is touted to be a very healthy dish, a medley of native vegetables rich in color and nutrients-eggplant, bittermelon, string beans, squash, and okra. Other versions utilize broiled fish such as tilapia or milkfish to pull the dish together.

From Truly Pinoy webpage.

This one of my favorite pinoy dishes. I enjoyed this dish a lot during our wedding reception at Harbor Lights Hotel in CDO. Now that I have the recipe. I'm gonna try to make it. :)

1 eggplant, sliced into 2 in thick strips
1 bitter melon, seeded and sliced into 2-inch thick strips
15-20 pcs string beans, sliced into 4-inch lengths
3 tomatoes, diced
4 cloves garlic, minced
7-10 ea okra, ends trimmed
1 medium-sized Japanese sweet potato, cut into cubes
2 tbsps bagoong (shrimp paste)
1 lb pork belly, sliced into strips
3-4 cups broth vegetable oil

Prepare the vegetables.

In a pot, boil pork belly in around 5 cups of water until tender, adding more water as needed. Remove pork and slice into strips. Save broth.

In a skillet or wok, heat oil. Saute onions and garlic until tender. Add pork strips and saute until slightly brown. Add bagoong and continue to saute. Add tomatoes. Saute until tomatoes soften.

Pour in broth and allow to a gentle boil for around 3-4 minutes. Lower heat to simmer. Add sweet potato cubes and simmer until slightly tender. Add long beans, allow a minute interval then add in eggplant, bittermelon and okra.

Season with salt and pepper to taste. Simmer, uncovered, until vegetables are tender, around 6-8 minutes. Serve hot with steamed rice.

11 days. I'll be home. :)

Overflowing Blessings

A couple of tropical storms have passed by dumping lots of rain on the island the last couple of weeks.  This week we have a typhoon forming North West of the island.  It was fun a couple of days ago checking the ranch and feeding the animals in the Thunder Storm with Lighting flashing overhead.  I really enjoy playing in the rain. 

I've been really busy with all the Safety Trainings coming into OSH Solutions-Guam.  Lots of training opportunities coming down the pipe.  I never realized that I would be this busy in the Safety Field,  And, yet, still have time for myself and the ranch. 

I was interviewed last week with a company based in the mainland and doing work out here.  The job that they advertised for was a Site Safety Health Officer position.  Yet, when I went into the interview.  The position sounds more like a Safety Manager position.  I was flattered with the offer they presented me after I left the interview.  I didn't lay down any numbers during the interview.  I was very vague on what I wanted.  Approximately 30 minutes after I left, the interviewer called and made me an offer.  All I said was that it sounded great and I'll think about it.  Even the perks sounded really good. 

It's amazing!  This time last year, I was making $8/hour on a 4 month long, 10 hour a day project.  It's a good thing the license to my shovel and lineman pliers expired last year, after leaving that company.  Since I started working as an Independent Safety Instructor.  Making a little over seven times what I used to be earning is mind boggling to me. 

Now, this mainland company, one of five that have shown an interest in me as a safety officer, is offering me five times what I am earning as a safety instructor, plus perks and benefits.  The first four companies didn't even meet my triggers.  The last company surpassed all my triggers and offered more.  It's so funny! 

Yet, the opportunities are still coming. 

One of my Safety Instructors and now a colleague, known locally in the Construction Safety Field on island as "Samoan Joe", advised me to do certain things.  I followed his advise to the letter.  Look where I'm at now. 

It's so funny to be teaching former safety classmates. Who were sitting next to me in class, only four to nine months ago.  Now they're asking me for advise.  I tell them exactly what Samoan Joe and the other Safety Instructors told me.  It's up to them to apply it. 

The other secret...well it's no secret at having a relationship with Jesus Christ, reading the Word of God, Believing in His promises to us, and praying.   I am so glad to be part of a church that literally prays. 

As for the opportunities that are coming.  Whatever God decides for me and my family.  I will be happy. 

Sunday, August 14, 2011

CDO Home Bound.

I'm so excited!  I'll be home in about 3 weeks.  I'm talking about my CDO home.  My family will be together for the first time in years.  I'm looking forward to spending quality time with Rhoda and the kids.

We're planning a family vacation to Camiguin Island the first weekend I'm there.  Rhoda and I have always wanted to visit Camiguin.  The island is known for its Lanzones fruit.  Which I really enjoy eating.  Their festival is in October with lots of people coming from all over the Philippines to enjoy it.  Travel to the island, can be from plane from Cebu.  Which is seasonal.  Other travelers usual fly into Cagayan De Oro airport at Lumbia and catch a bus or taxi for the 1-plus long ride to the ferries.

Rhoda and I would like to camp on the beach with the kids.  It would be great to teach my children survival and camping skills.  Also, just have fun around a campfire and looking up at the stars on a clear night.  There are also many affordable resorts throughout the island for a comfortable stay. 

My goal this trip is just to enjoy myself and my family. 


Friday, August 5, 2011

Close Call at Church, This Evening.

All was well tonight during my guard duty shift.  I greeted everyone that came into the compound.  I did my walk on the parking lot checking every car that was parked.  Guiding cars into empty parking stalls to try to fill up all the slots closest to the door. 

Nothing happened during my shift while the youths were at Cross Fire Ministry and the adults were upstairs at Prayer Intercessory.  All was quiet on the Northern Front.  Even as the youths came out to play basketball and mingle around the parking lot.  It was pretty quiet from a safety stand point. 

That change a few minutes after the adults came down stairs.  As the adults held fellowship in the parking lot and the youth talked among themselves.  A boy in a blue shirt comes running out of the door.  My first thought was that he was being chased by another child.  The boy in blue darted in between the adults and was making his way towards me.  I was going to redirect him back to the other kids.  But he ran right by me and straight for the main highway.  I ran right after him and grabbed him just before we reached the road in front of us  He kept saying, Kiki.  I had no idea who or what he was saying.  I picked him up and brought him back to Pastor's truck and put him on the tailgate while I caught my breath. 

I am so glad that I was there closest to the gate right on the corner of the first vehicle, and that there was no traffic on the highway.  That kid can run, but as big as I am, I'm so glad by God's Grace that I was faster. 

Everything happens for a reason.  

Opportunities, A Challenge and More Blessings.

Hyena's Den

I had the opportunity to sit in a room of liberals a couple of days ago.  I was really surprised because I thought they were conservatives.  Talk about an eye opener.  It's a good thing that I keep my Libertarian Conservative Opinions to myself when I'm in meetings.  I've never heard so much vitriol against the Tea Party.  Really hard to believe that this group of people are liberals.  I have liberal friends and they don't spew that type of venomous hatred that came out during that meeting. 

On-going Projects, New Opportunities

On a good note, I am glad that I am busy; busy with providing instruction on my safety courses that I am assigned; busy with my ranch; and busy with Church.  This year is definitely a good year.  The risk Rhoda and I took last year is paying off. 

Not many classmates in my safety classes realized that I resigned from my job to go to classes full-time.  Rhoda and I talked about it and we agreed it's the best move for our family.  It was not easy.  We sacrificed a lot for me to attend the required Safety Courses.  So I can finish faster than what was normally accepted.  It's all paying off now. 

On the ranch, I did some work cleaning around.  Still a lot needs to get done.  I'll be investing in goats again towards the end of the year, along with some cattle.  A new flock of ducks and egg-laying chickens, and a flock of meat chickens to add to the ranch.  Working on the new ranch plan.  Transitioning into an Official Organic Ranch will be exciting. 

I don't like wasting fuel on mowing grass, except around the house.  I just don't see the need in the actual ranch area itself, especially when goats can do that. 

I'm glad for the new opportunities coming down the pipe.  The company I'm instructing for, just scored a major contract.  Can't say what it is yet, until the announcement in October.   But it's a big coup for us.  I'm so glad for this new opportunity. 

God is Awesome for all He the opportunities He provides for us.  Amazing! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Switchel Recipe

An old-timey version of Gatorade, this drink has been quenching our thirst lately on hot days. Did you know apple cider vinegar aids with digestion, helps your body absorb minerals better, and even improves your skin? Give this recipe a try and let us know what you think!

This recipe is taken from The Farm House Cookbook by Susan Herrmann Loomis:

1 cup sugar*
7 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger or 1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
8 cups cold water

Mix all ingredients together in a large bottle or jar, and shake thoroughly. Refrigerate before drinking. Makes 2 quarts. *You can swap the sugar for honey or maple syrup, if you like. Just heat the switchel before pouring it in the jar so that the sweetener dissolves fully.

" Recipe posted by Brie Aronson on Polyface Hen House.

Wonderful Dream

I had a really good dream last night.  In my dream, my ranch is thriving with so many goats in my herd eating grass along a dirt road heading down to the beach.  So many bucks, does, and kids eating the vines that are crawling on the slopes of the road.  Walking along I see my children riding their horses and ATV's working the cattle into a new paddock.  From a distance, I see my wife waving to me from our new house, calling us to come in for dinner. 

As I make my way up to the ranch house, there are rows and rows of animal tractors along the manicured paddock, each one holds a litter of junior rabbits.  Hundreds of egg-laying chickens are busy scratching dung piles spreading them across the pasture.  Guard dogs yelping and running around as the kids make their way up to the ranch house past me. 

This ranch although mine is for God's Glory.  One day this dream will come to past.