Friday, December 25, 2009

Yes to Military Buildup, But Not With Marines.

I've been looking over the Environmental Impact Study for the Marine Relocation here on Guam.  I don't like it one bit.  I don't think most Guamanians realize how much land the military will take from private landowners and territorial public lands through one-sided back door lease agreements or outright land condemnation.  Even though they say now, they will not do any land condemnations.  But our history tells us different. 

At first, I believed the military buildup will be a good thing with the Marines, but not anymore.  I prefer that we look into having more U.S. Naval ships home ported here, like an aircraft carrier, or more Air Force Bomber or Fighter squadrons.  The Marines should move to the Philippines.

Our territorial leaders are to blame for this stupidity.  They have led the people to believe that this is a good thing.  That our island will get much needed jobs.  Really?  Once the construction is over, what other jobs are there?  Why are our so-called leaders thinking short term?  Why not long term?  Are we so dependent on Uncle Sam's teats, that we can't fend for ourselves anymore? 

I'm not a member of Chamorro Tribe.  But I do believe that they have our island's interests at heart. 

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