Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Yesterday, I received my doctors' okay to do aerobic exercises, go back to work, slowly get active again...nothing strenuous.  I'm limited to 5 to 10 lbs lifting.  I gave doc that funny look.  What you talking about only 5 or 10 lbs?  Doc explained that although my heart was getting stronger.  I need to do it slowly.  

My stress, test in June, was good.  That evaluation results was what I was waiting for.  It was an okay exam.  Only drawback to it...was I didn't like being in that machine.  I was feeling claustrophobic.  I had to revert to my breathing and meditation exercises to get through it.

My sleep test wasn't good.  I have to redo the sleep evaluation process.  I told my VA doc that was about the time, weeks, before I was hospitalized.  She said, all the reason to go back and redo it.  So I'm going to make arrangements to redo it again this week.  While I'm currently free to do it.  Before I start to get busy again.

It looks like I'll be heading back to the gym again.  I can do my walking in my Back Ranch.  I'm still only allowed to do 30 minutes and slowly increase to 60 minutes.  But I'm now allowed to increase my heart pulse over 100 bpm but SLOWLY, as per doc's orders.  I'm not allowed to do any anaerobic exercises...YET.  This is for the next 6 months with a re-evaluation with my primary doc in 3 months..around November.  

I'll still be taking my meds for the next 6 months.  I'm glad two of the seven have changed.  One, the Bumetanide, was twice a day. That is now to be taken once a day, but if I feel bloating to take it twice a day until bloating subsides.  The second med is the Amiodarone went from twice a day to once a day, as well.  I'll be slowly weaned off that med after the 6 months evaluation. 

I'll be able to do any aerobic exercises...primarily walking.  When I was told I can do water aerobics.  I asked about swimming, fishing, spearfishing, and diving.  Doc said that I'll be able to do all that EXCEPT diving and Scuba diving.  I had to clarify the's "no platform diving".  So I asked about free diving (snorkel, mask, fins, and sling) basically spearfishing.  I had to describe the differences between spearfishing and snorkeling.  Doc thought walking the reef and spearing fish.  Told doc, that's not how we spearfish on Guam or at least, not me.  Since I explained it to well...He limited me to no more than 10 feet depth.  10 FEET! The bigger fish are deeper than that.  I have to learn to keep my mouth shut when talking to the docs!  Stop volunteering information. 

I knew I was going to get cleared.  But I did not know the extent of what they'll let me do.  The greatest news was that I'm now able to get on the plane and go see my family.  I was elated when I heard that.  I'M NOW ABLE TO TRAVEL!  WOOOHOOO!!!

So I'm sitting here...writing this post (Yeah, I know 1st blog in along time)...looking at my laptop...browsing the internet.  My daily activity after I do my walking and taking my morning meds.  Not always in that order.  I've been doing this since I got out of the hospital in April. 

Now that I'm cleared.  I'm trying to figure out...what I'm going to do. 

Esta...KEEP SMILING :)  

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