Sunday, June 7, 2015

Blogging and Facebook.

Someone told me before, if you can't think of anything to write.  Just start writing and the ideas will form in your head of what you want to say and then...let your fingers move to write or type the words that are coming in to your mind.  It may be jumbled or unorganized but later on it will make sense when you reread and edit your thoughts on paper. 

I miss blogging.  It's been so long since I put pen to paper or typed out my day's or week's experiences onto a post.  It calms me and allows me to rethink what I did that day or week and if I can make any changes to make it better.

Sometimes I rant so I can act on all the stress that I encountered during the day or week.  And by putting it in writing and then unto a post, not for others to read.  But as a way to release my thoughts into the internet chasm and just let it go.

My days on Facebook are numbered.  Once my family is here with me on Guahan.  There is not much of a need for me to be on Facebook daily.  The only reason why I post on Facebook, since I started years ago, is to share with my family, what I do on a daily basis.  Since we are so far apart.  It allows us to communicate and see each others day on their page, to share in events that we are not physically able to attend. 

Maybe Rhoda and I wll combine accounts.  She joins mine or I join hers.  Like most couples do. Or we could still keep separate accounts and she can administrate mine.  Decisions.  Decisions.  Decisions.

Well, most of y'all know that we got hit by a typhoon, named "Dolphin".  It guess NOAA Guam has run out of names.  So now were going to names of animals to name the storms in our region.  What's the next name on the list, Elephant, Eel, Emu, etc.?

A lot of unexpected damages from that storm.  Trees that survived stronger typhoons were felled by Dolphin.  Ones that I wanted to cut on the ranch are still standing. Matua Ranch lost a lot of fruit trees and egg laying chickens.  Go to their blogpost to learn more there.

For the job...I started my new project up at the air base, last month.  How's it going?  Not as I had hoped it should be going.  It has it's many challenges.  I hope that is not an indication of how this project will progress moving forward.   I'll give it a rating of 9/10 for now.

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