Friday, July 22, 2016

Election Year Again.

Well, it's that time of the year again.  Both parties are trying to shore up their bases.  National and local committees sending out flyers, emails, and their representatives on the "Get out and vote", but to please vote for our candidate(s) campaign.  

Since 1986 when I turned 18 years old, I've been a Republican Conservative.  Yeah, I voted for "Mauleg" back then.  Going against my family who are die hard Democrats was not easy.  The sunshine did not shine on me at a young adult age.  I've always stayed the course voting conservative every election year.  Whether it be 2 or 4 year election cycles.  I've never missed a vote.  When I couldn't make it to the polls.  I voted either Absentee or Early Voting.  I'm glad we have those opportunities here on the island.  

However, I walked away from the Republican Party after the 2012 Election Year.  The values have changed both in the local and national parties.  There are to many RINO's that don't support the party platform.  Fighting amongst the membership, even though the Republicans won both chambers in 2008, caused the party to lose the House in 2012.  There were just to many compromises.  

The local and national Republican parties are weak and divided.  They've turned their cheeks to many times.  To scared to stand up against political correctness or alleged racist allegations.  As soon as a liberal cries racist...conservatives go running.  They don't want to stand and fight.  Standing up for the law is racist.  Might as well get rid of all laws then, if you don't have the spine to back up law abiding citizens.  

Even now, today, the republicans are still fighting each other.  Conservatives against conservatives.  Trump against Never Trump.  It's really entertaining watching from the outside in, the party I left 4 years ago.  Still don't have their Shit together.  For the record, I was leaning towards Dr. Ben Carson.  Unfortunately, he and his campaign were not strong enough to stay in the primaries.  I did not like what Mr. Ted Cruz did sending out information that Dr. Carson dropped out of the race.  That is a low blow if I ever saw one.  Only a snake would stoop that low.  

I learned at a young age that all you have is your word and your name.  Your word is your word.  How you stand on your word affects your name.  When candidates whether local or national either verbally or in writing commit that they will support the party's nominee or winning candidates.  Then they should damn well do so.  When state delegates try to renege, on the people's choice during the primary, at the national convention.  You're a snake.  To claim that, "I'll vote my conscience" is nothing more than a cop out.  You're a damn coward.  Just like a little kid playing ball with his friends and because he is losing mid game.  He quits and takes his ball home.  The people made their choice for their respective parties.  They'll make the choice again at the General Election for one of the 3 candidates.   

My democrat friends and family are probably enjoying this post.  Don't get me started on the Democratic Party and their damn super delegates.  Your candidates can't stand for the peoples choice so you allow them to cheat by creating super delegates in the party to insure they'll win at your national convention.  You all are just as divided as the republicans.  Nothing more than a party with double standards.  

I was asked last weekend at a bbq birthday gathering, what party I'm with and who I am supporting.  I told my primo that I'm neither a member of the democrat nor republican party.  There is a wide field with the local candidates in both parties, some new candidates with a whole bunch of incumbents.  Being in business in the construction industry, I'm not stupid to say who I'm voting for.  This is a small island and many of the candidates take it personally when you don't vote for them.  To do so publicly would be cutting my own throat later, for the future.  Of all the candidates that are running for political office...I've only met with seven of them or their close representatives. 

Since residents of Guam cannot vote for president of the U.S.A., even though we are US Citizens. I'm not really concerned about who is running in the presidential race.  But if we did have the vote...I'll be looking closely at both Gary Johnson and Donald Trump.   It's a lot more entertaining watching the two parties bash each other on the internet.  

ESTA...Keep Smiling  :) 

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