Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Wishing my wife, Rhoda, A Happy 4th Anniversary.  It's been a fun and challenging adventure these past four years.  I'm so glad to share each moment with her.

I should have known we would be on a wild ride during our marriage.  Especially, when we decided to spend our honeymoon doing White Water Rafting on the Kagayan River.  I'm pretty sure all marriages are like ours.  Just like the Kagayan river, marriage has it's classes of difficulties, from Class 1 calm meandering waterway to a Class 6, a raging waterfall.  It's getting through those obstacles or rapids together in the rubberized raft with close friends to help you steer through or around those rapids on the river of life. 

We conquered each rapid as we paddled through on the river.  A lot of times it was just a class 1, meandering current taking us downstream.  Along the way, we've had numerous bigger rapids.  The Class 2 and 3's we kind of handled ourselves.  The bigger rapids, the 4's, 5's, and sometimes 6's, we depended on Jesus to guide us around or even through each one safely. 

Marriage, like white water river rafting, is a team effort.  Yeah, you could run the river on a kayak by yourself.  It is a lot more fun going down a river with a partner, in this case my wife.  It's more fun when we have our close family and friends with us.  Either in the same raft or on other rafts, next to ours. 

Along the way, people who we considered our friends have jumped ship or beached their raft.  Leaving us to paddle the raft ourselves or continue on our river journey alone.  Those friends were left on the bank of the river as we continued to  paddle our way downstream.  Sooner or later, we were able to meet new friends along the banks who jumped in our raft, to give us a hand. 

On every river expedition, you still need to have a guide.  On our adventure on our river of life, Jesus is our guide.  Everytime, we encountered a class 5 or 6 rapid, or even thought of a 4 as a 5.  We called on our guide to advise us on how to steer our raft.  Many times, He would say, Be Still.  And we did.  We rode out the rapid putting our faith in Him.   When we didn't listen, our raft overturned dunking us into the river.  Rhoda and I learned quickly not to overturn the raft. 

These last 4 years has been an amazing adventure.  I am so glad to be sharing it with Rhoda.  It's not an easy journey.  Especially, that we have a long distance marriage.  You can only imagine how many class 5 and 6 rapids we conquered with the help of Jesus, guiding us. Technology has certainly made it easy, not that easy, but easy, mind you.  We chat almost daily, sometimes texting, emails, or calling each other.  Unlike the days of the snail mail of the 80's and early 90's. 

I'm looking forward to more high adventures with Rhoda and our children. 


Our honeymoon adventure on the honeymoon raft. 

It's good to enjoy your river trip with close friends and family with you in the raft. 

The ladies cooling off under the waterfalls.  Rhoda, Mele, Alex, and Rizza. 

Each stop along the river's edge brings its rewards.  

We went from two to three. 

Then three to four.  We're praying to get more, naturally from within us to add to our own.  I want 12. 

Keep Smiling

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