Sunday, June 19, 2011

Had a great time at the ranch today.

A Great Father's Day Celebration at the Ranch.

I spent the afternoon at Primo Ted's ranch for Father's Day.  I bought some steak and corn to barbecue down there.  As I walked in, I greeted the guys.  Ted was there, Cake and Tony too.  The young boyz were there cooking, Teddy Boy with Tua were manning the grill, Jose was running around, Gloria was there.  Laura showed up with her children.  Stephanie, Ted's wife, greeted me as I walked in. 

The weather was nice down there despite the heavy rain that dropped once in a while.  The Salt Air did wonders for my sore throat and voice.  I also prayed earlier for my Divine Healing.  Have to give credit to the Big Man upstairs. 

There was a lot of meat on the grill.  In the hot pot was gollai appan Lemai.  Wooo, that touches my heart when I see that,  also corn tatiyas, and red rice.  Stephanie's sister, brought, homemade custard pie.  That was the bomb. was good.  There was guacamoli, That was good with the chips. Kelaguen salmon, black rice, and the different meats on the grill.  Those ranged from the steak I brought, dried meat, hot sausage, and beef ribs. 

Yes, I balutan a lot.  I have enough food for the next three days.  I even scored a jar of Manahac.  That's Chamorro Gold right there.  Keep that for myself. 

It was great to be down there at the ranch.  The Salt Air did me good as well as the fellowship. 

Sick this Morning...Gonna get some Salt Air Treatment in a bit.

Woke up this morning feeling sick.  My throat is really sore.  I'm still exhausted from last weekend and last week's trainings.  Father's Day is not starting out good for me.  Didn't go to morning service.  No evening service today to celebrate Father's Day. 

I'm going to head down to Primo Ted's Ranch and get some salt air in my lungs.  It seems time stops when I'm down in Guae.  No Worries, Stress, and Reality.  Just the Boyz. 

Laters Y'all!  Have a great Father's Day Celebration.   

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"American Miracle" by Senator Marco Rubio.

I've been replaying this speech for awhile since I've first watched this.  It is through hard work and sacrifice that we can accomplish the American Dream.  We all have the opportunity to receive the "American Miracle".  The world is enjoying the benefits of the American Miracle. 

Monday, June 13, 2011

Prepping to Present My First OSHA 30-hour Course.

I'm so exhausted from the USACE 16-hour course this past weekend.  I feel that I did really well as a presenter.  I gave lots of examples from my own experiences in the construction industry.  I also use experiences from the other Safety Instructors who taught me.  I'm really surprised that an Office Secretary missed one question to the Safety Exam at the end, while the Safety Student missed four questions.  I expected it the other way around. 

Tomorrow, I'll be presenting my first OSHA 30-hour Construction Hazard Recognition Course.  Yes, I am an authorized OSHA trainer.  I'm slightly nervous about this course.  It's 4 days long.  Unlike the USACE 16-hour, which I am already comfortable with.  I am looking forward to it. 

I have to go through this level in order for me to teach the bigger OSHA courses like the OSHA 510, 511, 500, and 501.  I have to earn my Blood Stripes.  I'm glad that there will be another instructor there to tag team (Her first time too).  Also, my former Safety Instructor, Samoan Joe will drop in to evaluate me.  I do know, that once I get on the floor to start presenting.  All the jitters will go away. 

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Children will Learn the Truth about their Country.

I really could care less about the Philippine Independence Day.  Every year the Filipino Community of Guam celebrates it here on the island, June 12, 1898...big deal. 

But, my children are Filipino.  My wife, their mom, is Filipina.  Since we are a Christian family.  I don't want my kids growing up learning and/or celebrating a lie. 

If a huge majority of Filipinos in the Philippines want to proclaim June 12, 1898 as their Independence Day from Spain.  They have every right to do so.  It's amazing though the size of the small minority of Filipinos who recognize and acknowledge the true date, July 4, 1946.  On that date, The U.S. Government granted Independence to the Philippines. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bush Wacking at the Ranch.

I had fun today bush wacking all the overgrown weeds.  Normally, we call it bush cutting or brush cutting. Today, I was bush wacking.  Is there a difference? Yes, there is.  In bush cutting, you're trying to make the cuttings neat, even, and nice.  While bush wacking is just wacking everything that is the way.  Forget nice, just clear the area. 

There are times I get so focused on the job at hand.  That I don't realize how fast time flies when you're having fun.  When the gas runs out is the time I go on break for a few minutes to get a drink of water, relax a bit, and check up on the time. 

I concentrated on the ranch trails today, on the North Side,  Beating them back with my bush wacking.  Grass debris flying all over the place.  Yes, I was wearing my PPE. 

After lunch, I went back out and started wacking the area by the Lemai tree.  I found my two lemon trees that I planted there a couple of years ago.  I'm using a blade so I had to be careful around the two young trees.  I didn't want to accidentally cut them.  After, I found them. 

Still a lot more to cut on the ranch.  I definitely will have to reinvest in a goat herd. 


Gonna cut the tall grass in the ranch today.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My Stance on the Military Buildup.

Some people and groups are confused by my recent posting here regarding the military buildup.  It hasn't changed.  I have always been in support of the military buildup inside the fence line.  I don't support any land condemnation for any future military facility.  The U.S. military has enough land to conduct all it's operations in a safe manner.  If live fire within a firing range can be done with limitations with various posts in Germany, I am sure it can also be done here. 

If a private landowner wants to lease their private property to the U.S. military.  They have every right to do so.  I am a firm believer in Capitalism.  However, I do want all zoning laws to be followed and enforced within the boundaries of that lease agreement, and territorial law.  If a private landowner wants to sell their property to the U.S. military.  By all means, they can sell their property. 

I don't appreciate independence activists groups implying that I have jumped on their bandwagon.  I have not jumped on that wagon.  I did not state that I will blindly support the buildup.  There are sensitive property rights issues that still have to be addressed and not swept under the rug. 

I don't agree with the territorial government leasing local public land to the U.S. military when so many of our native people have been waiting in line to lease residential and agriculture land.  I don't agree with any land condemnation for the Federal Government to take land for the U.S. military.  They took enough land without due process back in World War II and have not yet returned most of it to the original landowners.

I don't like people of a certain group calling me that I am unpatriotic or anti-military.  I am a second generation veteran.  I have served my country Honorably in War and Peace.  I continue to serve my country and island, by teaching youths to be outstanding citizens through character building. 

There are some who want a total no buildup stance.  Then there are those who support this buildup blindly.  Both groups are wrong.  There has to be a middle road for everyone to work within.  Where the military can build it's facilities without jeopardizing the property rights of the private landowner.  

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Para Hita Todu -- Show Me the Money!!! It's All About the Money!!!

A new group  has formed on Guam, called Para Hita Todu.  They're proclaiming to be the "Silent Majority" on the island in "Support" of the U.S. Military Buildup.  In the last couple of weeks, they have started their website, see link above, and facebook page.  A couple of days ago, they garnered over 5000 signatures, 10,000 short of the 15,000 they had hoped to gain. 

Most of their membership are village mayors, business managers, and others looking at the bottom line, financial gain.  They're selling their soul to the devil in hopes of getting more financial resources to their institutions, and lining their pockets.   

They have publicly stated they are not going to comment on any issues about the military buildup; not a word on the potential land grab via condemnation, socio-economic impacts, and environmental impacts.  I guess they believe that those issues have been talked to death.  So, why beat a dead horse? 

But those issues have not been properly answered by the U.S. Military.  Are those members of Para Hita Todu, willing to give up their homes and property to the U.S. military for this buildup?  Yet, they're willing to sellout, through their support of this buildup, three families who live in Pagat on a family compound.  Who have three generations living on that compound.  Who actually farm that land that they are living on.  The very land that is now a proposed firing range for the U.S. Marines. 

Their subtle misinformation about those who are not part of their organization, are labeled as unpatriotic, anti-military, anti-buildup, and fear-mongering.  They now use detractors, as a new label for those against the buildup.  Will they also call us anti-christian to demonize us?  Time will tell. 

Lee Webber in today's newspaper article states that people on welfare should not be protesting the buildup.  They're practically biting the hand that feeds them.  The article implies that only the rich can protest.  Mr. Webber, why?  Why cannot anyone who sees the wrong in this buildup, not protest it?  Isn't that our right, as citizens of this country, we call the U.S.A.?  Don't we have the right to Freedom of Speech and Assembly to voice our concerns.  It really surprises me that a military veteran and former publisher of the Pacific Daily News would now invoke Socialist's Filth!  I forget, most media are now socialist trumpets. 

For those who are members of Para Hita Todu,"Ti Maigu Si Yuus"! 

They are now the immediate arch rival to grassroots group, "We Are Guahan".  We Are Guahan was started by concerned young adults on this island.  Most of the active members are in their 20's to early 30's.  They are a courageous group of young men and ladies who are taking a stand against this buildup, especially the possible land grab that may take place.  They have taken the time to do research on the buildup and the socio-economic and environmental impacts that will affect this small island.  They are not in it for the money. 

 "We Are Guahan" and the many grassroots groups who are against the buildup, or who prefer a limited buildup, are the Silent Majority.