Monday, February 6, 2017

We don't Start it. We Finish it.

Last Friday, Rhoda gave me some bad news regarding our daughter.  At first, I was thinking bad grades, or boyfriend.  So I took a deep breath and awaited the bad news that was being dropped on me.

Rhoda mentioned to me, "Your daughter beat up two girls at school today.  But it was in self defense.  One girl was bullying your daughter for a couple of months.  Today,  that girl was pushing Larraine.  And Larraine told her to stop.  When she pushed your daughter again.  Larraine beat her up.  The girl's friend tried to back her up.  But your daughter beat her up too".

As Rhoda was telling me all this.  I was trying to show concern during our face time.  But when I heard: bullying your daughter,  Larraine beat them up, and they're both injured.

I just laughed out loud.  It was hilarious.  I was rolling on the bed laughing...not floor...the bed.

After I had regained my composure.
Rhoda said, "I asked her why she did that".
Larraine replied, "Mommy...daddy said, "we don't start it.  We finish it"".
"I could not say anything else.  Because you told her that", Rhoda exclaimed, "What else can I say?".

I just started laughing again.

Later on, I was able to talk to Larraine and get the gist of what happened.  Apparently,  this girl and her friend were bullying Larraine for two months.  Calling her names, pushing her around.  But it wasn't just my daughter getting bullied.  It was also the other students in the classroom.  Last Friday, Larraine told that girl to stop.  She didn't listen.  So she and her friend paid the price.

I've taught my children to fight to defend themselves.  Larraine was five years old.  Frenfren was two years old.  When I started training them.  Both have defended themselves or others before.

One of our Codes,  "We don't start fights.  We finish it".


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