Sunday, June 7, 2015

Blogging and Facebook.

Someone told me before, if you can't think of anything to write.  Just start writing and the ideas will form in your head of what you want to say and then...let your fingers move to write or type the words that are coming in to your mind.  It may be jumbled or unorganized but later on it will make sense when you reread and edit your thoughts on paper. 

I miss blogging.  It's been so long since I put pen to paper or typed out my day's or week's experiences onto a post.  It calms me and allows me to rethink what I did that day or week and if I can make any changes to make it better.

Sometimes I rant so I can act on all the stress that I encountered during the day or week.  And by putting it in writing and then unto a post, not for others to read.  But as a way to release my thoughts into the internet chasm and just let it go.

My days on Facebook are numbered.  Once my family is here with me on Guahan.  There is not much of a need for me to be on Facebook daily.  The only reason why I post on Facebook, since I started years ago, is to share with my family, what I do on a daily basis.  Since we are so far apart.  It allows us to communicate and see each others day on their page, to share in events that we are not physically able to attend. 

Maybe Rhoda and I wll combine accounts.  She joins mine or I join hers.  Like most couples do. Or we could still keep separate accounts and she can administrate mine.  Decisions.  Decisions.  Decisions.

Well, most of y'all know that we got hit by a typhoon, named "Dolphin".  It guess NOAA Guam has run out of names.  So now were going to names of animals to name the storms in our region.  What's the next name on the list, Elephant, Eel, Emu, etc.?

A lot of unexpected damages from that storm.  Trees that survived stronger typhoons were felled by Dolphin.  Ones that I wanted to cut on the ranch are still standing. Matua Ranch lost a lot of fruit trees and egg laying chickens.  Go to their blogpost to learn more there.

For the job...I started my new project up at the air base, last month.  How's it going?  Not as I had hoped it should be going.  It has it's many challenges.  I hope that is not an indication of how this project will progress moving forward.   I'll give it a rating of 9/10 for now.

Philippine Vacation Trip: Cagayan De Oro & Camiguin Island Summary (LATE POST)

Left Guahan on the morning of the 14th of December 2014 on Philippine Airlines.  Arrived in Manila and waited at NAIA Terminal 2.  I thought my connecting flight was at NAIA Terminal 3.  So I headed to the Inter-terminal shuttle.  I was redirected by security that my flight was upstairs.  The security forces are funny.  As I approached their checkpoint, they all saluted me.  I returned their salute with mine, and asked for a Sitrep.  They just greeted me, "Welcome home, Sir!".  I thanked them as I made my way into to the terminal. 

It was great to see Rhoda and my kids later that evening in Cagayan De Oro.  The next day, we boarded a bus to catch the ferry to Camaguin Island.  The bus ride was nauseating even though it was air conditioned.  The ferry ride was fun.  The fresh sea air helped my migraine subside.  We got to our hotel with no issues.  Checked in and had a great dinner. 

The next day was sight seeing.  Rhoda hired a really good driver who took us around.  We spent some time at White Beach Island.  We had to take a motorized canoe over there.  It was really windy and the waves were choppy.  It was fun!  Seeing the excitement in my kids faces was awesome.  The kids played along the beach and in the water.  It was going to rain.  But I did what Pastor James would do.  I prayed against it.  Then a break in the clouds appeared and the sun's rays hit the beach.  Went from cloudy to sunny, prayer works. 

We stopped by the stairs leading up the mountain.  We took pictures at the base.  Then the old Spanish Church along the road.  My son decided he needed to irrigate the lawn.  At least he didn't do inside on holy ground.   Restrooms were less than 200 feet away. 

Our next stop was Soda Springs.  That was a nice pool.  I swam with the kids, enjoyed their company in the kiddie pool.  I then went to the deeper pool.  The water was tingly on my skin.  It was cold but not to cold that it would cause me any pain with my knee or my back. 

We visited the sunken cemetary to take pictures.  Then it was off to Cold Springs.  We had lunch there.  I was really hungry at this point.  I didn't swim.  But I was surprised to see our driver volunteering to swim with my son.  So Frenfren could have fun.  Really impressed at that. 

Our next stop was the Hot Springs.  That was my favorite stop.  The water was nice and hot.  Not to hot to burn, but really relaxed the body.  I am glad that was our last stop.  We left just before sunset.  I learned that after Rhoda and I left the pool some of the visitors there, two guys, made comments about me and Rhoda.  I guess they thought that I'm Yakuza.  I am laughing just thinking about that.  My daughter, Larraine, made some comments back. 

Dinner was fun at the hotel.  I don't know how the kids pulled it off.  But they managed to switch places with their mommy and them.  Rhoda slept in their room.  While the kids slept with me in our room. 

To be continued...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Site Safety: Heading back into the field.

A former safety student of mine, came looking for me.  He offered me a position with the company that he is currently working for.  Honestly, I was not really interested.  I just started working with my safety training company's clientele.  Since I left the previous company in September, of last year.  I was in no rush to get back into the field.  I was having fun conducting safety trainings and even scheduling new trainings with new clients.  

I was even working with another company that was replying to federal RFP's.  I was writing most of the Safety Narratives for those bid proposals.  One of the bids was supposed to have been awarded back in October 2014.  But due to the amount of costs we put into it.  The government did not realize that it would actually cost that much.  So they held off. 

Another bid was supposed to awarded early January 2015, did not happen.  It was cancelled in December of last year prior to me going on vacation.  Last month, the government released it again with a due date mid February, this month.  The award would probably be late February or March/April time frame.  

I was patiently waiting on those two bids to get awarded.  However, my financial state was beginning to weaken.  Although, my family could survive on my training income.  I knew it wouldn't be enough.  But even with that going on in my life.  I was not interested in the job opportunity that was offered to me last week Friday.  Out of respect for my former student, I agreed to listen to his offer.  

We spent over an hour and a half, listening and talking about both our expectations in regards to safety.  I was surprised to find common ground on what was discussed.  The more the general manager and superintendent talked.  Listening to what they were saying and understanding their needs, and analyzing their demeanor.  I gleaned from the information bombarding me, that they wanted to take their safety program up to the next level.  The general manager wanted his team to know the science of safety, how to find the references, and the reasons based on the standards, whichever is the most stringent...on why his leaders have to work safely.  I thought to myself, isn't that what I'm teaching at the college and safety trainings with my clients, the science of safety.  

I thought there were other safeties coming in to be interviewed.  I did not realize that I would be offered the safety position at that moment.  When the general manager hit my preset triggers...I could not resist any longer, but accept the position.  

However, this job opportunity is contingent of my approval with NAVFAC for a certain project on AAFB.  I'm going to have to call my NAVFAC network tomorrow.  Although, I'm officially, but unofficially, on board with the company and start next Monday.  I called some of my safety mentors and discussed the situation with them. 

I played out my options...Wait for those bids to get awarded or head back into the field on Monday.  One safety manager mentor explained that although I am a great safety trainer and Site Safety & Health Officer, and also have a lot of years and work experience in Construction.  I need more time in the field as a safety.  He explained that I shouldn't just meet the minimum requirements to get a "job".  But to solidify my time with experience so that no one questions my skills, knowledge, and credentials.  Don't chase the money.  Do your time, gain experience, and apply your skills and knowledge in the field as a Safety Officer.  Your reputation as a good SSHO will precede you, and the money will chase you. 

With that...I will be back in the Monday.  I start at the Dusit Hotel and then down to Hagat Marina.  



Saturday, January 17, 2015

Fighting Jet Lag.

I've been back on island more than 2 weeks from my vacation with my family in the Philippines.  Yet, I'm still fighting jet lag.  Well, since I am still awake.  I might as well post a blog about something.  It's been a long time since I last posted a blog anyway. 

Well, I'm praying that the company I am working with gets awarded these two DOD bid proposals we submitted months ago.  We're working on submitting more bids though.  Ever since I got involved in helping to write up the bid proposals, especially the Safety program.  I now understand how the numbers work.  So that is part of what is keeping me busy. 

I'm slowly cleaning up the house.  I've made plans to start renovating the house, room by room.  Each room, one at a time, until I'm done.  So the main bedroom will be the first, followed by the other corner room, the living room next, then kitchen, after that will be the middle room, and finally the bathroom last. 

The other project is outside, around the house.  I'll post those updates on the ranch blog.  Lots of cleaning to be done too.  One day at a time. 

I was asked what have I been up to.  I've been busy.  I'm not sitting around twiddling my thumbs.  I'm doing something.  If it's not working on bid proposals, doing research, or teaching safety classes, I'll be in my ranch working on chores or projects. 

On the Safety side.  Well, I'm teaching for GCA Trades Academy at a local high school for the Core Curriculum.  I started the week I returned from the Philippines.  Talk about fast.  The high school students interaction is good.  I learned that one of the assistant principals is my niece.  I haven't seen her since I left for the army in 1987.  Her dad, my cousin, was one of the journeymen I worked with while I was an apprentice. 

I started my college classes in Industrial Safety this week, as well.  I have two classes at the college both start at 1800 hrs for an hour and a half, mostly apprentices in both classes.  My Monday/Wednesday class is at my old classroom that I've been assigned for a couple of semesters. When I went to Student Services to confirm my classroom for my Tuesday/Thursday class.  I was given a classroom in the newly built, Building E.  I got to the room early to familiarize myself with the setup and to know where it was actually located.  It was amazing to see a new classroom.  Talk about excitement, and moving up from the older classrooms. 

Unfortunately, that excitement didn't last long.  To many students were coming into the classroom if that was for Drafting.  I informed them that it was for Industrial Safety.  After a handful of students came and asked...I finally called Student Services to confirm that I was in the right room.  They affirmed that I was.  Still more students were coming in asking if I was the Drafting Instructor.  I decided to call the department chairman to find out what was going on.  After a quick phone call, there appeared to  be a mix up with the classroom assignments.  It was decided the best action was to go back to my old classroom up the hill.  So we did.  At least both my classes are in the same classroom. 

I was informed that I'm the Lead Safety Instructor now.  I'll be working with the Department Chairman to develop a Safety Certification Program for the college.


Keep Smiling 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Neni Girl's Request.

A week ago, Rhoda informed me that our Neni Girl, Larraine, wants to ask me a question.  If I will allow her to have straight hair.  I knew since she was 5 years old.  Larraine wanted to have straight her like her mommy and her Tita Rizza.  I, on the other hand, enjoy seeking my Neni with her curly black hair.  She is beautiful with her curly hair.  

I remember a moment several years back that Rhoda told me when Larraine was still 5 or 6 years old.  One day after taking a shower, Larraine had combed her hair out making her curly hair straight.  She asked her mommy if she can take her picture to show me, that she has straight hair.  Taking the picture had taken longer than necessary, in the mean time, Larraine's hair had dried and became curly again.  She was upset.  I laughed when Rhoda told me the story. 

So this evening, I asked my Neni Girl, what question did she want to ask me.  She told me wait, went out the room, then came back in.  She asked, "Daddy, may I have straight hair?"  We discussed it for about a minute.  I knew since ever since, she's always wanted straight hair.  I had already made my decision last week after Rhoda told me about it.  I just waited for the time when we're alone. 

So after the torturous seconds of having Larraine patiently wait.  I said, "Yes".