Saturday, October 29, 2016

Meeting the accountant.

Had an interesting meeting yesterday with an accountant.  I was looking for someone to do my taxes for next year.  I got some advice on what to deduct: home office, company truck, and other areas that dealt with the company.  Looks like I'll be in zero again for the next tax year.  

Our conversation diverted from taxes to shooting.  We're both trained in weapons and various hand combat skills.   Learned that he's also an Army Veteran.   

Since we hit it off.  I learned about a recent project he had.  He couldn't tell me details due to client privilege.  However, he discovered that his younger brother worked for the same client.   Get this, they were reunited at the client's home.   How amazing is that?!  

Anyway, if you're looking for someone to do your taxes.  Checkout ZZZ Accounting.  They're backed by the US Treasury.  Ask for Christian.  

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