Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ranch: Discovered ranch dog, Scout aka Brownie is deaf.

Since moving Scout a couple of weeks ago to his new perimeter post from his old run line.  I felt that something was not right with him.  I just brushed it off as stress from the heat.  Each day, since moving him, I would normally call out to him before approaching his post.  He never came out of his dog house.  Weird...normally he'll coming running and challenging the integrity of his lead.  I brushed it off as stress again.  Thinking that he was not happy being relocated to his new perimeter post. 

Today, I finally realized after I kept calling to him, whistling, calling his name.  And then walking right in front of his house, he came out when he saw me.  I knew right then...he's deaf. 

I was hoping to train him into a hunting dog, like his dam, Duchess.  Now, just thinking about it.  I never heard him barking on the South Side.  I figured he had that area under control.  No wonder that Dinga Tres, Toron Binadu (6 point deer buck) got past him.  Scout never heard him.  It all makes sense now.  The only time Scout would actually bark, is when he probably sees anything that's not supposed to be in his or close to his area. 

Rissa informed me this evening during dinner.  That Scout was recovering from choking a couple of weeks ago when he was still on the runner.  I remember someone had rerouted his lead in between the cable run.  So he won't run back and forth on his runner.  He probably got his lead chain twisted it up that caused a choking hazard.  That explains the collar rash around his neck.  It was severe.  Again, I thought it was the flies that caused the collar rash, similar to what the flies do to the goats.  They lay their eggs on the goats...causing a maggot infestation.  I thought the same thing happened to Scout. 

Now everything makes sense on why Scout is now deaf.  Someone rerouted his chain lead, that caused him to choke on his collar from the twisting and then severe chaffing into his neck.  I know who did it.  Everytime that person does something on the ranch to make convenient for them.  I have to change it back to what I want.  I'm going to fence off the ranch from the house and keep them out. 

I have to decide what I am going to do with a deaf ranch dog. 

Saturday's Escapade from the heat.

Niece Arissa and I went and ran errands today.  We went to Ross at GPO this morning.  I looked around and bought two really nice shirts.  One shirt, an island print, I'll wear for tomorrow night's graduation ceremony.  The other shirt, I'll use when I am teaching.  While waiting in line, I met up with Pastor Clint and his son, Renren.  Arissa ran into Kristine, Clint's wife behind me in the checkout line.  We looked around at the two shoe stores.  I didn't see the boots I wanted.  So it was agreed that my current boots will suffice for the graduation ceremony. 

We had eaten a large breakfast that morning that Rissa had cooked up.  So we were still full when lunch time rolled around.  We decided to head over to Yogurtland to get some frozen yogurt and hide from the heat.  Yogurtland is my once a month treat to myself.  So I got the big cup.  Ris, got the Medium cup.  That was a refreshing treat.  Note to self:  Chocolate Mocha yogurt does not go well with tangarine tango, mango mix, and coconut yogurts.  Do not mix that in the future.  I'll keep the other three flavors next time.  Rissa had the Root Beer float yogurt.  I'll try that next time. 

It was funny seeing Clint, Kristine, and their kids walk into Yogurtland.  We got a chance to fellowship while they enjoyed their yogurt treats.  It was just nice and cool inside. 

At Home Depot, Ris and I got her PPE; safety goggles, and mask, for her lab assignment at school.  She's going to be dissecting frogs.  I got some nails for my home projects.  We ran into Bro. John, Kaelani, and her best friend Tricia.  Bro. John was shopping around for a dog kennel for the German Shepherd they got the other day.  Also, ran into Pastor Billy at the Contractor's Desk.  He was doing some shopping too. 

Funny how we ran into church family on our outing today. 

On the way, home, I stopped by the Vietnamese restaurant and ordered my tray of lumpia for tomorrow's graduation refreshments.  I pray it'll be enough. 

Special thanks to my sister Marissa.  Yes, the VIP's helped out a lot today.  Thank you...much love. 

Keep Smiling... 

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ranch: Eastside Clean up progressing.

Been busy today with the on going clean up on the Eastside of my house.  We did a lot in two days.  Still a lot more to go.  But it is one step at a time.

Arissa and I resumed our burning of yard debris.  Yeah, I know we should compost but we have too much to compost.  Yet, I still have to burn to smoke my mango trees to keep the insects away.  We used the chainsaw to cut more unwanted brush and trees.  It's looking a lot better.

That one planter that we were prepping yesterday.  We added dried mango leaves to the rabbit manure layer, today.  Then we wet it down again.  I want the worms in the manure to  stay healthy.  Next, will be to add potting mix.  I'll have to double check on the approve potting mix for organic production.  We plan to grow red onions and garlic in that planter. 

I had a source of compost to put into that planter.  But it has been contaminated with other junk.  That's what happens when family members think that compost pile is a trash can.  They have no concept of composting.  So I'll have to incinerate that compost pile soon. 

We moved most of the pots away from the planter today.  Not much growing in those pots, only weeds.  We have a really old aluminum extension ladder that we acquired years ago in the '70's.  I moved that away from the area and into the main ranch area and propped it up against a mango tree.  I'm gonna use that for any vegetable vines that I'll grow. 

Arissa and I collected some young coconut saplings, transferred and planted them along the street on the property line/border.  I plan to plant more coconut saplings on another line inside the property line but staggered from the line closest to the road.  These will be future live fence posts for livestock. 

New Goal:  Prep and plant one garden plot each week. 

Keep Smiling

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ranch: Cleaning Eastside of the House.

Catching up on my cleaning.  I worked on the Eastside of the house today.  Did a lot of burning.  Have a big coconut stump to get rid of.  I could compost it.  But, I do have to smoke my mango tree daily to get rid of those pesky insects.  

I cut down all the violet brushes on that side, pulling out some ornamental taro, and cleaned out one of the planters.  My niece/god-daughter, Arissa helped me out.  Lot of ranch training needed for that girl.  Reminded me of when her brother, AJ, started working the ranch.  We did okay.  Still progressing forward. 

New goal is to put up a new row of vegetables each weekend.  That should get us ready year round.  We do have Local Mangoes ready, harvested a couple and enjoyed eating each one.  Waiting for my big Vietnamese Mango tree.  Fruits are slowly getting big.  That's going to be my daily breakfast. 

I'll post pics of our on-going project later this week. 

Keep Smiling