Monday, November 26, 2018


The past Thanksgiving Weekend Holiday, I was asked by many family and friends about, that "Thing" your on. I never thought of Pruvit as that "Thing". I told many of them, that I will get back to them later. As I did not want to ruin the family holiday fellowship. I'm there to enjoy and have fun with the family, not conduct business.

I started Pruvit Keto OS two years ago. There were many of us that started. But only one person kept going with it. I was one of the ones who stopped because a doctor told me that I would get keto acidosis. After doing research, I learned that was false.

Anyway, I started back on Keto OS on June 29th. Since then, I have dropped my waist size from 48" to 40". I think it's less now because I have to tighten up my belt...yet again. For those who watch weights, I went from 294 lbs to 260 lbs. My shirt size has gone from 4XL to 2XL, and I'm now able to fit into a XL shirt. But it's a snug fit. like wearing a Rash Guard.

My energy has increased. I have restarted my ranch, and am able to walk faster than before. I can now climb stairs, walk up hill, climb ladders, and scaffolding, unlike before.

My Oxygen level averages 98%. No longer use my CPAP device. No longer take 13 of 15 prescribed medications. My last lab work in August, my numbers were "Impressive". I asked if that was a good or bad thing. Doc said, "It's good".

I'm relearning about foods, salts, fats, and Ketones. I stopped eating certain carbs, sugar, soda drinks, and junk foods. I started cooking again. My steaks are the BOMB...Medium Rare to Medium. I enjoy more vegetables and  fruits even on a Keto Lifestyle.

Due to order issues, I started my own version of Pruvit's Reboot. I have most of the products needed to do the Reboot, except for the 10 Keto OS Signal Capsules. So I do my own version, the MATUA ReTune Version. I'm doing my 3rd Matua ReTune Version...started last night. Going for 72 hours, this time.

Rhoda commented on a picture of me, taken at our family Thanksgiving Dinner hosted by my brother Norman, and my sister in law, Lori.  The long sleeved shirt that I was wearing that night, was snug on me during our trip to Israel in January, this year. Now it looks like that it's just hanging on me.

Rhoda asked, if I was going to start running again. I told her, yes. As soon as I drop to 220 lbs, and get new running shoes. Can't run in my Safety Shoes...will get Shin Splints. I might just try though...never know.

I'm on this new journey to be BETTER, The KETONE Lifestyle.


Thursday, June 7, 2018

Chiropractic Care

I started seeing my chiropractor in or around February 2018. I asked the VA to refer me to a clinic here on Guahan. It took awhile to get one. It must've been the paper work. But I was eventually assigned to one of the local clinics on Guahan. 

My sciatic nerve was bothering me. It all started on our trip to Petra, Jordan. I had decided to do the 2 kilometer walk. That's another story. Anyway, My right leg was in pain and we still had a whole week left of our trip. 

I started my treatment in or about February this year. My first visit was really amazing. I was in excruciating pain when I went in. 45 minutes later, when I was done. I was feeling really good. Been going back every week for the last 4 months. And I look forward to it. 

Two weeks ago, I hurt myself gathering mangoes from the back of the house. I thought I pulled a muscle along the left side of my chest and mid back. Then last Friday, I went into GRMC's ER thinking I was having a heart attack. Nothing was found. Heart was normal, pain was still in the 10's.

I learned Monday evening that it was actually a pinched nerve at my midback. Stayed in Bed for two days until this morning. Checked into the Chiropractic Clinic. After some manipulation and popping of my spinal column. I was good to go. Still have some mild pain. However, pain went from 10 to upper 3's. I'm now able to move my left arm and twist my torso. All Is Good!  WOOOHOOO! 

I'm scheduled to go back tomorrow, Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday. Until I get better from this injury. Looking forward to my visits. 


Keep Smiling 



Sitting at a desk, doing work, then seeing an open field all around me.
Seeing a person for a microsecond and then nothing.
Different atmosphere, colors, and smell.
Dreams, or reality.