Thursday, August 11, 2016

Thank You for Being There.

A couple of weeks ago, we made a decision that would have impacted my niece.  Even though I had agreed fully, I was troubled.  My spirit was not right.  First the dreams came.  I was not sure what it all meant.  Then the memories of the past came to mind.  Memories of the Matuas' would pop up.  I found myself checking out their facebook pages, or instagrams.  Here I was wondering what it all meant.  

Memories of various Matua members came out of the blue, as if it were just yesterday.  Interactions with different personalities, conversations with Junior Leaders and troopies, it all didn't make sense.  I was uneasy.  I wasn't sure if it was a sign or signs if one of them was hurt.  

I kept wondering what did my Matuas' have to do with my niece.  I did not see the relationship between the two.  My Matuas' numbered over a hundred at one season so many years ago.  My niece only turned 12 recently, or is it 13.  

Longer memories would come to mind of tasks a Ranger would do or, a Troopie.  Reminders of trying to work with certain individuals and not getting through to them.  Visiting their homes, meeting their families, trying to build a mentoring relationship.  Frustrations on both sides.  Each one tested my resolved.  I didn't back down...I kept pushing them...each one to do better.  Do their best...nothing more.  To live by the Oath , Motto, Law, and Creed.  

Some would get it right away.  Others it took years.  Lots of counseling took place.  I kept wondering why I stayed.  What's in it for me?  I'm not their parent.  Some of the Matuas', I was actually their uncle.  Yeah...I'll admit...some of them tried to use that to their advantage.  I did my best to be fair to all of them.  

Looking at their facebook pages, those who chose to continue our relationship.  Many of my Matuas' are successful.  Years after the Troop or Crew...which they led, had folded its colors.  Either they graduated and moved on to see the world, or the Group just stopped altogether, and they found other interests on the island.  

Many of the Matuas' have families of their own, Others are still wild and adventurous.  Then memories of some of them came back, telling me that they are glad that I didn't give up on them.  One young lady sent me an email...thanking me for giving her and her brothers that chance, taking care of them, going on adventures on island.  She's now a mom of many handsome boys.  She signed off her email with, "Thank you, Dad.  I love you".  That floored me.  I did not expect that from her or anyone of my Matuas'.  I remember reading that email as if it were yesterday.  Someone was slicing onions close by when I read that the first time.  Even now the memory of that email...still gets me. 

Another young lady, actually a niece, teaches CPR where she lives and is more spiritual than I am.  This one, Lady Matua, gave me majority of my white hair.  She was the only one who challenged me one evening.  I remember it was summer camp and I had challenged the Matuas' that if they didn't win the Mas' Maolek Award (Best Troop Award).  I was going to leave the Troop and Crew.  I was already burned out and needed a break.  That evening she approached me and asked to talk.  She mentioned that everyone of the Matuas' were worried that if they didn't win tomorrow that I was going to resign.  They didn't want me to leave.  I'll admit they had a tough week in camp that year.  Competition was fierce between all the troops.  That morning, the last day of camp, just before flag raising, I hinted to her that I will or lose.  I wasn't going anywhere...they were stuck with me.  When the Camp Staff announced that the Matuas' won the Mas' Maolket award,  The whole group hesitated for a second and then at one time they were all jumping up and down, yelling and screaming.  

There were other memories that came to mind: the welder, the Marine, the Army Sergeant, the Coasties, the football coach, the Youth Pastor, the DOD contractor, the moms, the security guards, the EMT or is it Paramedic,  the restaurant server or host, the Eagle Scout, the hotel worker, the Ranger, and so many more to mention.  

But each memory had a thread that came back to me each time, a common theme or event.  Most of those I remembered thanked me for being there, for not giving up on them.  The message came and it was very crystal clear.  I know understood the message between the Matuas' and my niece. 

We're not giving up on my niece.  I'm going to give her the same chance I gave each of my Matuas'.  When she screws up...she's going to be pushing Diamonds.  She will work herself back into the ministry.  Jesus brought her into our life for a reason.   Just like the Matuas', each one came into my life, for an adventure into Character building.  


Keep Smiling.  


Matuas' if you're reading this post.  Thank you for the all the memories and the lessons.  I pray that each one of you and your families are blessed abundantly with overflow from the windows of heaven.  May Jesus guide you with the Holy Spirit and Protect you.  

I do love you all.  


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

BitCoin Digital Wallets: Coins PH

Coins PH is a digital wallet from the Philippines.   It is an app that allows the user to store and manage their Bitcoin and Philippine Pesos.  Users are also able to pay their utilities, get a load for their cellphone, pay their insurance or social security, and so many other transactions.  They have the ability to send funds to each other, a peer to peer remittance, with no high fees involved. 

Imagine taking care of all your transactions in the comfort of your home.  Not having to travel to so many places and then standing in line.  It's almost a whole day affair.  So many businesses have partnered with Coins PH or will be soon to have their customers enjoying their day and family time with technology at their finger tips. 

Get PAID using Coins PH.  Yes, Coins PH pays referrals to you, the user, when you invite your friends and family members to use Coins PH.  They have to activate their account using the invitation link you send them. 

How would you like to get rebates for paying your bills via Coins PH?  I've seen promos for "UP to 30% rebates"  for users if they pay their bills using Coins PH.  Even depositing funds will get you more pesos in your wallet.  But be cautious, the promos are limited.  But the good news is, there will be another promo soon. 

Many businesses are slowly catching on to the Bitcoin Phenomenon.  They are able to send large amounts of funds from one person or business to another person or business.  Whether it is next door or on the other side of the globe. 

My wife and I have family and friends who are OFW's in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Japan, USA.  We introduced them to Coins PH just to share the technology.  They now use Coins PH to send funds to their families in the Philippines.  Another friend in Manila, incorporated it to her business to help her customers pay their bills via Coins PH. 

What if you're in a foreign country doing work for a contractor.  An emergency happens back home in the Philippines and your family needs X-amount of funds.  It's late at night when you get the call.  So most brick and mortar remittances are closed.  Even in the morning if you try to send funds, the fees are really high.  But your family needs the funds to pay a deposit to the hospital.  (I personally feel that in itself is a crime, to withhold emergency care due to no deposit).  You'll pay a huge fee on your end, and the Philippine government will collect a "small" percentage on the receiver's end. 

Using a digital wallet like Coins PH alleviates those fees and taxes.  It's peer to peer.  You'll be able to send funds in Bitcoin or fiat (depending on the wallet) to your family.  What I like about Coins PH and most digital wallets are following their example, is the ability to convert bitcoins to fiat currency in the wallet app. Then you can send it to an ATM or bank account to retrieve the funds.  Disclaimer here:  You will still be charged a conversion fee by the bank when you buy Bitcoin using your checking account. 

Coins PH is my, and my wife's, favorite digital wallet that we use in the Philippines.  I also have and have used other digital wallets, like Circle, Coinbase, Blockchain, CoinJar, Xapo, Airbitz, etc.  

Yes, if you are in any other country aside from the Philippines.  You should be able to use Coins PH to send Bitcoin to your family in the Philippines.  You could actually use other digital wallets as well.  You just need their QR Code.  It looks like this:  

Please feel free to scan and send some Bitcoins.   All Bitcoins are considered donations.

Click on the links above if you'd like to get a Coins PH or Circle Wallet.  Be part of the Bitcoin Industry.  Use Bitcoins.  Make it convenient for yourself. I use Expedia to book my flights and hotels when I travel.  They allow me to pay them in Bitcoin.  I also get a discount when I do...sometimes. 


Keep Smiling.   

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Home Invasion: Stopped the Threat.

They came into my home, while I was in the shower.  I tried to be quiet as possible so they don't notice me.  Unfortunately, they heard the water splashing and spotted me in all my glory.  Soon their numbers grew from a couple to many in seconds.  They hesitated to attack me.  But as soon as did, they started to claw at my lower extremities. 

I decided to take action.  At first, I wanted to jump out of the shower to grab my weapons to stop the threat.  But the thought of me running out of the bathroom in my splendorous birthday suit would surprise the manamkos (the elder folks) in the house.  My beauty of my tan toned glory might blind them.  

So to keep them safe...I stayed and fought.  I fought back furiously.  My airborne paratrooper training came back, like the fury of St. Michael fighting the demons.  Using the only weapon I had in control at the moment.  The 120 degrees of hot water from the shower got those gangstas attacking me.  After I stopped their menacing clawing.  I turned my attention to the rest of them trying to invade the upper reaches of my house.  

I splashed left to get those trying to flank me.  And then I splashed right to get that other column trying to get around me.  Then I concentrated fire up and down as they blitzkrieg down the middle.  I adjusted for windage and made sure my sights were clear and soft targets identifiable.  Checking the background to insure there were no innocent bystanders on the glazed tile as I sprayed in controlled bursts of fire.  

We engaged in close quarter battle...hand to claw fighting.  They clawed at me and I countered with palm strikes.  Effectively killing many with one blow each time.  They tried to retreat...but only to regroup.  As they again moved towards me in a daring kamikaze attack.  I turned the water on high and splashed them all with hot steaming water.  They died instantly.  Many were stopped where they stood.  

Just like that they were all dead in the shower stall battle field.  I celebrated doing my version of the Happy Dance and Running Man.  WoooHooo!  I had stopped the home invasion...Splashing to stop the threat.  Castle Doctrine works.  

I was debating to call the police precinct.  But the last time I dealt with the police.  They wanted evidence first.  Unfortunately, all the bodies went down the drain as I rinsed the battle scarred walls of the shower stall.  

I warned the stragglers that were scurrying away out the window to tell their leaders.  The next time, I'll go NBC on them and deploy the Black Flag.  


Esta.  Keep Smiling.