Saturday, January 17, 2015

Fighting Jet Lag.

I've been back on island more than 2 weeks from my vacation with my family in the Philippines.  Yet, I'm still fighting jet lag.  Well, since I am still awake.  I might as well post a blog about something.  It's been a long time since I last posted a blog anyway. 

Well, I'm praying that the company I am working with gets awarded these two DOD bid proposals we submitted months ago.  We're working on submitting more bids though.  Ever since I got involved in helping to write up the bid proposals, especially the Safety program.  I now understand how the numbers work.  So that is part of what is keeping me busy. 

I'm slowly cleaning up the house.  I've made plans to start renovating the house, room by room.  Each room, one at a time, until I'm done.  So the main bedroom will be the first, followed by the other corner room, the living room next, then kitchen, after that will be the middle room, and finally the bathroom last. 

The other project is outside, around the house.  I'll post those updates on the ranch blog.  Lots of cleaning to be done too.  One day at a time. 

I was asked what have I been up to.  I've been busy.  I'm not sitting around twiddling my thumbs.  I'm doing something.  If it's not working on bid proposals, doing research, or teaching safety classes, I'll be in my ranch working on chores or projects. 

On the Safety side.  Well, I'm teaching for GCA Trades Academy at a local high school for the Core Curriculum.  I started the week I returned from the Philippines.  Talk about fast.  The high school students interaction is good.  I learned that one of the assistant principals is my niece.  I haven't seen her since I left for the army in 1987.  Her dad, my cousin, was one of the journeymen I worked with while I was an apprentice. 

I started my college classes in Industrial Safety this week, as well.  I have two classes at the college both start at 1800 hrs for an hour and a half, mostly apprentices in both classes.  My Monday/Wednesday class is at my old classroom that I've been assigned for a couple of semesters. When I went to Student Services to confirm my classroom for my Tuesday/Thursday class.  I was given a classroom in the newly built, Building E.  I got to the room early to familiarize myself with the setup and to know where it was actually located.  It was amazing to see a new classroom.  Talk about excitement, and moving up from the older classrooms. 

Unfortunately, that excitement didn't last long.  To many students were coming into the classroom if that was for Drafting.  I informed them that it was for Industrial Safety.  After a handful of students came and asked...I finally called Student Services to confirm that I was in the right room.  They affirmed that I was.  Still more students were coming in asking if I was the Drafting Instructor.  I decided to call the department chairman to find out what was going on.  After a quick phone call, there appeared to  be a mix up with the classroom assignments.  It was decided the best action was to go back to my old classroom up the hill.  So we did.  At least both my classes are in the same classroom. 

I was informed that I'm the Lead Safety Instructor now.  I'll be working with the Department Chairman to develop a Safety Certification Program for the college.


Keep Smiling 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Neni Girl's Request.

A week ago, Rhoda informed me that our Neni Girl, Larraine, wants to ask me a question.  If I will allow her to have straight hair.  I knew since she was 5 years old.  Larraine wanted to have straight her like her mommy and her Tita Rizza.  I, on the other hand, enjoy seeking my Neni with her curly black hair.  She is beautiful with her curly hair.  

I remember a moment several years back that Rhoda told me when Larraine was still 5 or 6 years old.  One day after taking a shower, Larraine had combed her hair out making her curly hair straight.  She asked her mommy if she can take her picture to show me, that she has straight hair.  Taking the picture had taken longer than necessary, in the mean time, Larraine's hair had dried and became curly again.  She was upset.  I laughed when Rhoda told me the story. 

So this evening, I asked my Neni Girl, what question did she want to ask me.  She told me wait, went out the room, then came back in.  She asked, "Daddy, may I have straight hair?"  We discussed it for about a minute.  I knew since ever since, she's always wanted straight hair.  I had already made my decision last week after Rhoda told me about it.  I just waited for the time when we're alone. 

So after the torturous seconds of having Larraine patiently wait.  I said, "Yes".