Sunday, January 5, 2014

Vacation Update: Two Days and a Flyout.

My vacation with the family is coming to an end.  I'll be flying out on Tuesday heading back to Guahan.  I really don't want to leave.  But I know I have too.  I had so much fun with Rhoda and our kids, Larraine and Frenz.  

It's hard to believe that I'm actually leaving again.  But I will be back soon.  Do you think Easter break is too soon?!  I'll be back with my goddaughter, Arissa. We'll both be in Cagayan De Oro for dental work during her Spring Break.  I have a major tooth extraction that needs to happen during that time frame.  

Anyway, it was great to be back with the family.  I had a lot of rest and relaxation that my doctor on Guahan wanted me to have.  Ate lots of vegetables and fruits here, helping to lower the sugar level in my system.  Rhoda was in charge of my medical care while I'm in town. 

Rhoda's family, my in-laws, came in a couple of hours after I arrived in Cagayan De Oro.  They took a private van from Butuan City.   It was great to see all of them.  We all celebrated Christmas together.  I especially enjoyed all the nephews and nieces playing loudly together in our small yard.  Some of the elder boys got to have fun browsing the internet while they were here.  Something they have very limited access to, while in the  province.  We had our noche buena and all the kids got to play games and open their gifts.  Unfortunately, they didn't stay long and left a couple of days later due to previous commitments in Butuan City.  

My sister-in-law, Rizza, and niece, Chenchen, stayed another week with us.  Rhoda's family and best friend, El el, adopted each other.  So Rhoda now has another elder sister.  Family is family, whether born to you or chosen.  So El and her family are now our family as well.  We sort of helped a little with El el's house blessing.  We also celebrated El el's husband, Joffrey's return to the Philippines and his birthday, that same night.  

New Year's Eve was not disappointing.  We had fireworks going off in all sides of the house.  The city was lit up with fireworks.  That was awesome!  Watching the look and excitement coming from my son, Fren fren and his sisters, Larraine and Chenchen, faces was priceless.  We did have some of our own fire works that we lit up.  But nothing compared to the neighbors that went beyond and gave us a spectacular light show through midnight.  

Rhoda and I have decided on some major issues in our lives.  We went ahead and answered a couple of proposals from courting companies requesting that I join their safety department.  We'll see in a couple of days or a week after I get back,  If I am still with the company or if I jumped.  



Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 Goalsetting

It's that time of year again.  Reviewing last year's goals and setting goals for 2014.  Looking back the last year, 2013,  I accomplished so many goals.  Amazing what Jesus can do when you put Him first, especially putting Him first in my life.

2014 is a new slate.  Starting fresh again, and setting up new goals.  This year, it will be different from last year.  Last year, I only had goals set for myself while being in Guam.  This year, after talking to Rhoda, not only are we setting goals for me and our interests in Guam.  We're adding in Butuan City and Cagayan De Oro to the list.  I'm looking forward to the challenge.

Some have asked me what goals do I usually set for myself.  I have always used the following categories:

  1. Spiritual
  2. Family
  3. Career
  4. Education
  5. Hobby/Skill

You can break down the above topics to sub-topics to further define your goal settings with each main topic.  You just have to remember goal setting is flexible and done at your own pace.  Should you have someone to keep you accountable.  Yes, you should.  I do.  Normally, I ask a close friend to keep me in check.  Or, you can ask a mentor.

I used to post my goals on my blogs a couple of years ago.  I have stopped doing that the last two years.  A mentor expressed that goal setting is private.  It's for me to know and whoever I've chosen to keep me accountable.  Opening up my goals to the public, especially to those who want to see me fail. Actually, sets me up for failure or harassment from my distractors. And since, I've stopped openly posting my goals.  I have not received any discouragements from anyone.

So I'm going to get busy writing up my new goals for 2014.


Keep Smiling :)