Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Made it home, for Christmas...and New Years! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Home is where you hang your hat.  In my case, I have multiple homes.  There is the one in Guahan where I live, work, and ranch.  Then my home in Cagayan De Oro with Rhoda and our two beautiful children, Larraine and Frenz.  

The flights from Guam to Manila and Manila to Cagayan De Oro were without event; Normal flight, great PAL service, as always.  It was my layover in Manila that was an adventure.  I arrived at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 2.  Caught the Inter Terminal Transit to Terminal 3 for my connecting flight.  However, I had to wait more than 12+ hours to get on that connecting flight.  

To keep me busy I explored Terminal 3.  It's a new terminal, 3 stories tall, lots of escalators, restaurants, really clean toilet facilities.  I had dinner at Shakey's located on the third floor. The five piece chicken dinner with mojo's was good.  The root beer tower was great.  It's been awhile since I've had real root beer.  Yes, I downed that whole tower of root beer.  Then it was off to Seattle's Best Coffee for some really good chiller coffee.  While I was there, I took advantage of their WIFI service.  Now if you ever do go there.  Make sure you sit on the tables along the wall.  You'll be able to use their outlets to recharge your phone or laptops while enjoying their drinks or food.  

Then it was off to the Japanese Spa. I took the package deal: full body massage, rest, and shower.  I've only had a couple of body massages in my time.  But going through this body massage was really different.  As soon as I stripped down to my undies and laid on the table face down.  I had the sudden urge to pass gas.  It was hard mental and physical work keeping that gas in, while going through deep penetrating massage on my lower back, buttocks, and legs.  The masseuse was telling me to relax because I was so tense.  Of course, I was tense.  I was holding back to prevent any leakage of personal  methane gas to pass.  I did not want to just let it go.  My back blast area was not clear.  The young lady was in the line of fire.  But as soon as she left the small room to get more oil.  I let it RIIIIPPPP!  I was hoping for a silencer.  But what passed scared even me, it was really loud like something exploded.  The other masseuse in the next room asked, "Sir, excuse me, Po.  Are you okay"?  I replied, "I'm now relaxed".  

Flying into the new airport at Cagayan De Oro was new for me.  I had a window seat, so I was able to see he scenery as it passed.  The runway didn't have the potholes that the old terminal had.  The new terminal is situated on a plateau along the coastline.  Really nice modern facility.  

After I got my bags, I exited the departure area.  Who do I spot standing on the rails of the barrier as I came out the door.  My favorite daughter!  She saw me, caught my smile and ran to the other side to fetch me.  What a sight for sore eyes?!  As I waited along the side walk, Larraine went to let her mom and her Tita El know that I'm waiting along the sidewalk.  A few minutes later, Boboi opened the door of the vehicle and jumped down to greet me.  Rhoda was in my arms after a long year, not seeing each other.  My family was back together for this vacation season.  

This was the first time I met El, Rhoda's best friend.  She volunteered to pick me up a the airport with Rhoda, Larraine, and Frenfren.  We had breakfast in Opal at a nice seaside restaurant over the water.  Fellowshipping, getting to know El, and listening to her and Rhoda's conversation.  

Later at home, Rhoda and I spent some quality time together.  While the kids were outside playing.  I watched as she went through the pasalubong I brought from Guam.  Later, that evening we greeted Rhoda's family who traveled all the way from Butuan to celebrate Christmas with us.  It was awesome to hear all the children having fun and enjoying each other's company.  

After breakfast, I took time to watch the kids outside eating the mixed nuts that I brought. The look from their eyes as they enjoyed each different mixed nut is priceless.  Well, we're getting ready for the Noche Buena tonight.  Lots of food to cook, Songs to sing, and celebrating the birthday of our Lord Jesus.  

MERRY CHRISTMAS, from my family to yours!

Keep Smiling  

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Need more time for Me.

I'm looking forward to getting off the island for a couple of weeks to spend time with Rhoda and our kids.  It's been too long.  I'm seriously thinking of making some changes in relation to careers.  Rhoda and I will have to sit down and discuss the future opportunities that are before us.  Should we stay or should we go??? 

I've been looking over a lot of my goals for this year.  I accomplished a lot.  Some goals are just better than others.  For the others, I'll have to commitment better to make those goals successful.  I'm really glad for much of the accomplishments. 

One thing I've relearned is not to overwhelm myself with opportunities.  There are times, when I have to say no.  I understand they need help for one reason or another.  But I cannot keep jumping and putting out fires.  Their emergency does not constitute an emergency on my part.  I have other obligations to fulfill first.  The biggest and foremost is ME. 

The last four months was a challenge.  I believed I could do it.  But two weeks into my new work schedule, I realized that I'm no spring chicken any more.  I'm a 120 pounds over  my former military physique.  I do not run marathons anymore.  I'm no longer in the 300 club.  I no longer run 4 or 5 minute miles.  The last time,  I timed a mile was 45 minutes.  And that was walking.  I have to remind myself that I'm in my mid 40's.  People in my age group are grandparents.  Okay, so I started my family late.  Sue me. 

So I am glad the semester is over!  No more 3 evening class schedules over the week and my own clientele's training requirements.  It was an honor to teach many of my students.  I hope they take what they were taught in the classroom and apply it in the field.  But being a Site Safety, I know not many of the students will be able to apply that knowledge nor share it.  Their companies push production more than safety.